Anonymous ID: 444dc7 Sept. 1, 2020, 11:05 a.m. No.10494598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4607 >>4613 >>4640


Their panic is real.

It ain't make believe.

They are shilling as if their lives depended on controlling the minds of people worldwide.

Fighting so hard to trick everyone into believing Q is going after Jews, instead of the truth, which is that Q is going after Satanists who drug, rape, and kill defenseless children.

It's no wonder their only playbook is to use 17 million Jews as human shields.

By hiding behind Jews in real form, and attacking Jews here in 'spirit'/information form, they hope to be defended by the types of crazies we see being videotaped around the country who will believe anything fake news tells them.

Here however, in the digital battleground, logic and evidence dominate, and the physical backgrounds of Anons is 100% irrelevant.

Without the deception, they're dead.

And I for one am enjoying watching the results of their panic here on an anonymous site in the form of divisive narrative the only purpose of which is to deceive readers into believing Q/Q+ are anti-Jew, to foment 'division' in the narrative and in the minds of those the Satanists would rather stay ignorant.

Enjoy the show!

I am having the funnest time of my life.

Anonymous ID: 444dc7 Sept. 1, 2020, 11:20 a.m. No.10494737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4763


>Israel is 100% the HQ of the cabal.

The narrative of the NWO ('cabal' is a misnomer because it falsely suggests only Jews are the NWO) may very well be "HQ'd" at MOS.

But the '5EYES' was/is itself a centralized network of weaponized information, and that spans INTO at least 5 countries.

The evil is INSIDE THE MINDS of people of every race religion and gender.

My guess is they chose 5 because they have a need for symbolism (Pentagram).

If Satanists took control of the Holy Land, by orchestrating a mass deception about what really happened during WW1/WW2, and trafficked Jews (and killed dissenting Jews) to form the country of Israel, to set up their "HQ" behind the legitimacy of a country of millions of truly GOOD people who want to live in peace and harmony, but behind the scenes deceive billions worldwide by conflating all questioning and criticism of MOS as 'anti-Semitism', to continue deceiving and pushing accusatory 'you're a fascist' narrative, I am confident enough in my own ability to think that it would not be 'anti-semitic' to investigate, prosecute and bring the hammer of justice down on ANY AND ALL who harm children, no matter WHAT 'tribe' a person belongs to.

Enough is enough.

Anonymous ID: 444dc7 Sept. 1, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.10494821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4838


See that's just Satanic diversion trying to make the problem one of religion (Judaism), instead of those who create the divisive narrative in the first place.


Division of the 3 initially 'united' Abrahamic religions originated not from any one of the religions themselves, but by a cult of evil devil worshipers seeking to displace God and make themselves the ubermenches on Earth.

The more you post narratives THE LOGIC OF WHICH tacitly divides the human race into antagonistic races, or religions, or bloodlines, you are only serving the devil, that's what the devil calls for in that ideology of creatological division supposedly inherent in humanity.

The more we see narrative that pits people against each other by religion (e,g, Jews vs.), the more we see Satanists trying to deceive anons to deflect from the SOURCE OF THE DIVISION IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Anonymous ID: 444dc7 Sept. 1, 2020, 11:53 a.m. No.10495034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5053


No, you're wrong, and your actions are proving me correct, division shill.

Jews, Christians and Muslims are united.

Goebbels strat of repeating lies will never make them truths.

Early 20th century controlled narrative anti-Jew propaganda and unsourced anti-Jew propaganda is not disproof of anything I posted. It in fact confirms my knowledge of the existence of divisive narrative meant to deceive people and deflect away from the Satanic cult.

Try harder.