Judith Miller just said on Fox that Rittenhouse brought a gun that wasn't his across state lines and host gives no correction. The attorney went on Tucker Carleson's show last night and said it was given to him in Kenosha. SMH.
Do you mean the codebreaker puzzles?
Any intel on what will be revealed on the Cohen/Cuomo recordings? Is this a nothing burger? Harmful to POTUS?
Twatter (Vidman) going ga-ga over "Military Times" poll that says majority is going to vote for Biden. They say military members are pissed that POTUS has slammed generals and said he would use them to fight unrest in US cities. Is this poll comped? I read very little push-back so I'm thinking it might be true?
I noticed they have done something to curb him from the outbursts. I suspect (have said here before) that his stuttering is Tourette's Syndrome. If he makes it to the debates, we'll find out moar. We should initiate a drinking game for every time Biden says "Look…"
Hey, I can hold my whiskey with the best of them but I'd be on the floor in the first 20 minutes with this list.
No - no shill here. I'm telling you what's going on and we need to look at it.
Trump’s popularity slips in latest Military Times poll and more troops say they’ll vote for Biden
The latest Military Times poll shows a continued decline in active-duty service members’ views of President Donald Trump and a slight but significant preference for former Vice President Joe Biden in the upcoming November election among troops surveyed.
The results, collected before the political conventions earlier this month, appear to undercut claims from the president that his support among military members is strong thanks to big defense budget increases in recent years and promised moves to draw down troops from overseas conflict zones.
In the latest results — based on 1,018 active-duty troops surveyed in late July and early August — nearly half of respondents (49.9 percent) had an unfavorable view of the president, compared to about 38 percent who had a favorable view. Questions in the poll had a margin of error of up to 2 percent.
Among all survey participants, 42 percent said they “strongly” disapprove of Trump’s time in office.
Okay, I don't know who is behind this outfit or who is running it, that's why I'm wondering about the poll and what POTUS can do to counter this narrative. I said I thought Vidman was pushing the results on Twatter but it's not a good sign if our military is backing Biden. IF IT IS TRUE, I don't know. This is a place for research.
And they haven't shown OAN viewership during the RNC and I know lots of people watched all four nights there include this house becasue they ran uninterrupted coverage.
Kek, I believe it.
Okay, that's what I was asking about. I saw all types of people shouting this to the sky and very little pushback, which is unusual so if all we can say to counter this arguement is look who runs the outfit, fine.
I grew up understanding what happened in World War II in our country and during the Nuremberg trials, Hermann Göring was asked by the prosecutor, “How did you make the German people comply?” and Göring said, “It’s not just Germany. This works in any country whether it’s a fascist country or a communist country or a monarchy or a democracy. All the rulers need to do is to tell people that there’s something they need to be fiercely fearful of, to point a finger at that source of their fear and you can make human beings do anything you want. You can make them go to slaughter like sheep.
You can make them obey. During the same Great Depression, that’s spawned off Hitler, we were very lucky in our country that we had a leader, Franklin Roosevelt, and he said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” He understood that fear would drive us into totalitarianism.
Well, the biosecurity agenda at people, like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci and DAVOS and all of these people who are running now the global economy, they have understood for years that they have a power that no totalitarian government has ever had available to it, which is the biosecurity.
You know, in in Hitler could point at the Jews and say those are the big threat we need to be frightened of them and you everybody else needs to obey so that we can fight them off. Other countries were scared of the Bolsheviks. In the United States, you know, our demagogues point to the Mexicans or dark-skinned people and say we need to be scared of them or terrorists and you know all of those things get us to voluntarily give up, relinquish our human rights our civil rights and walk like sheep into the abattoir.
—Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Berlin, August 28 2020
(his voice which he apologies for makes it hard to listen to for me, but here is an excerpt)
Okay, thx, I was trying to find out moar and the tease is that Como is not the person he appears to be on camera. That's not surprising, but I wonder if whatever he said is going to be anything that gets attention for more than a day (if that).
Understood, thanks. These types of polls always seem to take a small sample, at least when considering all 145 million registered voters in the US, and aren't very reliable as we've seen. And, of course, the sample size depends on what you want to accomplish.
Blue checks all pleased with their woke selves.
Interesting with these brooms and "strike witches"
501st Joint Fighter Wing Strike Witches