Anonymous ID: adbc7b Sept. 1, 2020, 11:54 a.m. No.10495048   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So…black box trailer guy, aka thugboy, working in home of parents with eight kids, all under age of 12, while the kidnapper car still sits in his yard and he continues to deliver the 'illicit goods' for kiddydiddlers who literally come from miles around to partake.

What is his endgame here with 'bathroom repairs?'

One customer today looked like the KFC colonel without the costume. Pretty excited that one was, checking out yesterday's delivery at a nearby stash house, this morning.

Helping thugboy (who runs like a girl btw) is the older pedo who does a lot of dirty work for thugboy and gets a free session or two along the way. (And a jump. Sometimes the pedo's old blue suv just does not wanna participate in the cruelty.)

Lotta eyes on this deal.