holy shit what a sperg out last bread, kek…
not only that but they will spew their bullshit at anyone, no matter what… Last bread proved that.
Can you say "spray and pray"? That's what all of the shills are doing now, not just them.. ALL of them are feeling heat.
>Roberts is comped
Ginsburg is gonna end up being ammo'ed so the SC can not act.
Roberts being pulled for any reason (ie- either patriots or traitors doing it) would be bad for the dems, because then the military option kicks in once the SC is incapacitated AND congress is also in a morass.
>Their panic is real.
>It ain't make believe.
kek, they still doing it this bread even. God bless you in Christ's name anon.
Think of it this way.
How long has the rnc elephant trunk been the lowest point of that particular icon?
Can the new icon raise its trunk any higher?
That is how long.
It's gonna be a dem governor that hasn't gotten dirty yet.
There are some on the dem list.
Rioters have these things, called arms and legs… that they can use to pry and kick shit down with, anon..
The RI one was already on the VP list can't remember if the montana one was, but kamala got the pick.. so if kamala ascends tot he nom, those two would be back in the running.