ID: 0d9f9c Sept. 1, 2020, 1:39 p.m. No.10496131   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10495952 (PB)

What's interesting about these psychic epidemics is that they can be, and are they are being induced by information spread by media or by word of mouth.


Another common contagious psychogenic illness is



The afflicted show extreme suggestibility and complete obedience to commands. Latah is key to understanding the class of induced mental epidemics.


Latah is a mental disorder found in Malaysia, Indonesia Japan and Thailand characterized nonsense mimicking others and trancelike behavior experienced after a sudden fright.


People who have latah experiences are called latahs. Most are women. Latahs often do bizarre dances and obey commands, even to take off all their clothes, from people around them. Sometimes they sweat profusely while in the trace and often claim they have no memory of what they have done after they break out of the trance.

Rather than being ostracized as outcasts they are often embraced as celebrities and their outburst became the object of playful practical jokes.


The New York Times magazine described one woman with the disease. When her husband would suddenly clap his hands she began shrieking: “Grasshopper! Grasshopper! Grasshopper! Grasshopper!,” and go into a trance and do a little dance while sweating profusely and laughing hysterically with her teeth bared. The woman developed the disease 35 years after being repeatedly poked. Cats often set her off. When that happened she often shouted the Malaysian slang word for penis.


Lawrence Osborne wrote in the New York Times magazine, “The little house looks like most of the others in the Malaysian jungle hamlet of Kampung Sebiris. The louvered windows are trimmed with heavy curtains, the tiled floor is immaculate and cushioned chairs line the walls. Even though it is over 90 degrees, there is no fan; outside, humid forest spreads out beneath a mist-wrapped mountain. As in many rural Malay homes, in the front room there is an ornate display cabinet filled with knickknacks: teapots, wooden pineapples, gaudy silk flowers. The jungle comes right up to the glass slats, and the whistling of insects is deafening.” [Source: Lawrence Osborne, New York Times magazine, May 6, 2001 ++]


“But this is no typical home. Sitting on a woven mat in the center of the room is a gray-haired woman named Dibuk ak Suut. Wrapped in a pale green sarong, the slender 59-year-old matriarch is comfortably surrounded by her husband, daughter and grandchildren -- but her eyes flash nervously from side to side. Her husband, Sujang, has just served us cups of weak hot chocolate. He is in a playful mood. "Watch this," he whispers to me in Malay. Standing up, he suddenly claps his hands. Dibuk gives a start, shudders and leaps to her feet. Everyone roars with laughter. Dibuk's delicate, slightly lopsided face goes into a glassy trance. She begins shrieking: "Grasshopper! Grasshopper! GRASSHOPPER!" ++


“Sujang then winks like Popeye, and Dibuk does the same. The family howls in merriment. Sujang goes into a comical dance, shaking his shoulders slinkily and wiggling his hips. Still locked in her seeming trance, Dibuk does likewise. She waves her hands in front of her face and mops her cheeks with a small cloth. She sweats profusely and bares her teeth in hysterical laughter. After a few minutes, Sujang goes up to her and taps her firmly on the shoulder. The mimic-trance is over. Dibuk sits down and mops her face. "Are you O.K.?" her daughter, Catherine, asks. "Was I talking nonsense again?" Dibuk asks. "Not too bad this time," Catherine says. "You didn't say anything obscene." ++


“The family recomposes itself, and we drink our lukewarm chocolate. Then, a few minutes later, a cat creeps up to Dibuk from behind. Suddenly noticing it, she gives another violent start and begins pawing the air in front of her. "Cat," she cries. "Cat! Cat!" She then starts screaming a Malay slang word for penis. Sujang leans over to me. "It's cats that get her the most," he murmurs. "They make her more latah than anything." ++


“The Suuts are farmers living in the hills behind the tiny trading town of Lundu in Sarawak, the Malaysian side of Borneo. The kampungs, or villages, here are incredibly isolated, connected by a solitary road winding through plots of coconuts and pineapples. Outsiders rarely visit. Yet in recent years, Western scholars have become intrigued by women like Dibuk. She is a latah, suffering from an intriguing mental disturbance known in the West as hyperstartle syndrome. ++

ID: 0d9f9c Sept. 1, 2020, 1:45 p.m. No.10496175   🗄️.is 🔗kun



JH was the first med schools in the US to admit women - it was funded by a coterie of occultist lesbian.


Women – Or the Female Factor

During the Gay 'Nineties, women were generally considered too frivolous and delicate to handle full-strength medical education, with its gory emphasis on human anatomy and disease. So people were understandably shocked when word spread in 1893 that there were three women in Hopkins' first medical school class. The step was revolutionary - except for a few women's colleges, very few American medical schools of any stature then allowed a woman to take a degree.


Not that Hopkins' founders intended from the start to be so egalitarian. Late 19th century America was a sexist society. Although Daniel Coit Gilman, the University's first president, did push strongly for first-class schooling for women (he helped found Goucher College in Baltimore), he sided with his friend Charles Eliot, president of Harvard University, who called coeducation "a thoroughly wrong idea which is rapidly disappearing."

ID: 0d9f9c Sept. 1, 2020, 1:57 p.m. No.10496264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6282


The three big execs taken out by #metoo, weinstein, moonves (CBS) and tsujara (CEO Warners) were all straight men. None of them had sex with children.


All three were set up by the gay wing of the pedovore cult - ie the Diller, Eisner, Katzenberg Geffen gay SM and pedo mafia.