First NASCAR now the MF SEC oh shit this is getting real good now.
You'll get another David Shula and be blowing up the sportsball lines with bring back Saban don't lie.
Penn State has mostly sucked since JoePa and PA fags would admit under truth serum that the old man didnu no diddlin himself shoulda brought him back.
SEC Country newfag outer territory section
Swordy Shift is the place to be for these kinds of questions.
Right now it's Mid-Afternoon Shift wrong place wrong time..
kek I'd prolly trade oldfag here for oldfag SEC less brutal that way
kek easy there Dawgie you fucking have to explain Atlanta because Kirby gonna kiss ass on bended knee soon, too.
slurp slurp slurp but at least kek
Kenosha seems nice what about the Governor is he on bended knee now?
POTUS knows.
wait there's moar - remnants of /leftypol/ having an Orange Man Bad blast over this one
I've been to a Brewers game with muh Cards hat on.
People were brutal one minute and telling me where I should go eat after the game the next.
>stahp it's drunk but good people there
STL/KC best blue cities to live in the USA because Misery if huge bright fake ferddy red everywhere else.
At state level they pass Toddlers Can Take Gun Classes laws just to fuck with city Dims.
POTUS fighting hard to get B10 back (nobody in cfb misses Pac12 softies).
He cannot lose SEC.
Repeat big black eye if POTUS loses the SEC.
Kirby too big a target to not be up next/soon.
Muh feelz say better not but discernment says they gonna try.
Looking back that scene was kinda cringe but full respect to the later era Race with the Devil and Dirty Mary Crazy Larry (death scene at the end classic Peter Fonda blackpill).
But, did you read Yahoo Sportball forums back then?
(not that it's a bad thing at all if the answer is no)