Waxing philosophic about [them].
In the last 2000 years it has been the Europeans who ultimately became the conqueror race. More cunning, more strategic, more warlike, more territorial: whatever the combination of traits were, they dominated and brought us the modern world. Yeah we acknowledge the cultural contributions of others, but facing facts: its the white Europeans.
Even today, and business anons know this, it is the white Europeans who ultimately drive policies and decisions in the upper echelons. And WITHIN the white Europeans, it is really the Brits who occupy the top rung of culture, language, and economics. Sorry Germans, I'm on board with you i really am. But in owning the language, it is the Brits who own the ideas….who own the FORM of the ideas…who ultimately own all of the influence.
Anon would argue the Brits ultimately still influence most or all of their former colonies, including the US. It was the Brits who broke ranks with the Catholic Church, and a Rothschild who controls the Papacy. It was the Brits who invented 'think tanks' and 'societies' that we collectively call illuminati groups, which ultimately led to things like modern monetary and health policies. It was the Brits behind the Bolshevik Revolution, behind pulling the strings to get the US involved in both world wars, behind the rise of hitler. It was her proxies, such as Dulles and Rockefeller, leading the charge to bring about the modern Deep State. It has always been the Brits propping up zionism, the recreation of the israeli state, while simultaneously fanning the flames of middle eastern aggression. Sure its easy to blame the Jews for everything, by design. How else could [they] create their worldwide conflagration and population reduction, without bringing about World War 3? By Rothschild cloaking himself in the British flag, by his progeny controlling the banks, and aligning with the Vatican and modern power brokers like Soros the control systems are firmly cemented.
We can point fingers at China, at Jews, at Soros or Gates. We can collectively expose C_A / MOS / and MI6 for their crimes. But who is behind the curtain? Who is at the top of the pyramid? Have you ever thought it odd how the British can wield such influence when their power as a nation has been diminished for so long? Britfags you must know what I am saying if there are any of you here. The royals and British elites somehow hold a kind of spell over the rest of us. Anon believes it is related to the satan worship and child sacrifice, i.e. the dark power that they are able to muster or be rewarded for.
Thinking forward, how might a Great Awakening change things across the Atlantic? We can see and feel the changes and the people waking up in America. But how will this play out when the Royals are exposed? Won't it take executing the whole sickening lot of them, and the evil families, AND the vatican? For this to end, there must be a purge. IDK how a purge will happen without massive conflict. We keep coming to this inflection point, and I sincerely hope Trump team and Q have the Looking Glass tuned in and focused.