Name fag: frackker boi
why do hanky haugunus hhave such huge schnauzers> cause the air is free
biden called me a junkie
biden told me to "jump"
biden wants to ban FRACKKING
I didn't now one time meant a lifetime – memes have taken over
thar is no moar unem;ployment
no moar covid the RONA
no moar msdnc faux saucy blonde bitches
NO MOAR i'm hooked lon MEMES
muhMEME dealer a cruel
said i would nt remember after muh1ST meme
said i would wake up the same innocent anon
before – before the first time ==
street name is still crystal meth
hunter' ukainium
mexican sean penn evangelical bikers for haiti dc ites kool and the gang
muhBEE thar figuring out thar liable for funding the destruction of AMERICAN CITIES – woke broke and in the poke