Westwood One top of the hour news on anon's favorite AM radio station has now been replaced by Fox News top of the hour news.
Westwood One top of the hour news on anon's favorite AM radio station has now been replaced by Fox News top of the hour news.
Bot order of battle. Always seem to go in this sequence lately. Pretty clear sign that the same entity is controlling both.
So skillz vary. Apparently controller has the skills to get bots up and running. And yet lacks the ability to draw a straight in MS paint. Fascinating.
*straight line
There is that word again.
For the real anons, FFS please use another word when the situation arises.
It's okay to say that you imagine something.
Just don't tell other anons to imagine.
I shouldn't have to explain why.
It has nothing to do with John Lennon, BTW. kek
>North Texas men, including church pastor, indicted on child pornography violations
Anon had a three hour telephone sparring match with a cable/internet giant tonight just to hold them to their word that they gave me three days ago. So please forgive if I seem a bit punchy tonight. It wasn't easy. And should have never happened in the first place. But this is what happens when human beings construct mechanisms that are beyond their ability to properly manage. Are you listening Elon?
But at the end of the day I got the bill to the dollar amount promised. Only one little detail did they poke me in the eye with. Turner Classic Movies. I don't get that. But three days ago they told me I would. Fuckers.
Anons, I'm a little confused. And would appreciate some honest insight. It says here two killed and yet I am only fully aware of skateboard boi dying. Did KR kill another back at the auto shop? Was it someone else? Was the creator of this meme mistaken? Things were happening so fast. Would appreciate additional insights.
So the numbers are accurate? And bald pedo was at the property he sent to defend? The one video clip I have seen from the shop does not really show much.
See now that's weird. Because I just listened to a report that KR shot three only. The facts are still murky. Apparently.
Thanks anons. The problem is I love TCM. If not for that could cut completely. Did watch TWC when Hurricane Laura came onshore though. It's nice to have options. But dollars are shrinking.
meme ammo for only the most extreme situations use only sparingly and under three lock box protocol
Fuck. I've started a range war.
Want to apologize to the board tonight. Anon just wanted a little advice and it seems that things have escalated beyond anticipated levels. Just remember that we are all anon again next bread. Thank GOD.
You get special Kidman sexy gif for being so nice. Hope it is to your liking. If not then sorry. Because your kindness does not go unobserved.
In my opinion. Kubrick pretty much hit the third rail and said "Fuck it, I'm Parking Here".
A lesson all anons could take a tidbit or two from.
That's a pretty weak meme ammo anon. Not even a gif. You need to spend a bit moar time evolving before you attempt to show your big boi shorts.
It's actually coming together in my mind. And I apologize to those that I have misunderstood in the past. I will only say that the journey has been difficult and lined with pitfalls. May the Good Lord Bless you all. I pray, through faith, that the trajectory continues. And leads us to the outcome that we have been praying for. I ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.