I think good guys have had assets inside the MSM and they are going to start dishing. MSM has to be taken out befroe the election bullshit starts. Not to be dismissed, IMO, is that this release is a direct message to Andrew Cuomo. How many of his bag men have to take a hit before he smartens up?
Go back to NYPD insider saying NYC was going to go hot. Was Cuomo tape from the Wiener laptop? Was the life insurance folder dirt on people the Clinton and/or Abedin/Wiener were blackmailing rather just gore/sex videos? Cuomo drop the warning release/drip?
Same MO going on with Pelosi hair salon hit. She's flailing trying to explain it away, tells me she was blind-sided. Doesn't know where the hit came from so she can't pin down anything in an explanation or a debunking round 2 may fall. Person she trusted dealing on her?
Ties in, too, with reports of POTUS saying they had names wrt to the plane but that he wasn't supposed to say it at the time he did.
Sure, POTUS dropping something he shouldn't have. Anyone believe that?