Re CDC and rental evictions: Highly, HIGHLY disturbing that those animals have ANYTHING to do with this. Not even remotely possible without twisting things into an unrecognizable pretzel, much like Judge Sullivan, et al.
>>10502178 To reasoning people, the CDC already had zero credibility, long before the scamdemic. Then their cred went to minus infinity. Now this????? WTH????
Wheeler: So sorry that I destroyed all your lives. Have a nice day.
>>10502144 Everyone should have refused to comply from day one. But they did not. Still, many have conducted themselves properly, while fighting the battle on the margins. Now we get the massive insult of the CDC SOBs pretending that they are controlling housing. A reckoning is coming, and they know it. So like a cornered wart hog, they turn and make a threat display to the lion. "We great & powerful nabobs at the CDC are not worried about a thing. In fact, we are so powerful that we now make fantastical pronouncements about your living conditions."
>>10502297 Fredo be low IQ, but he will eff your shit up right now, know what I mean?