Anonymous ID: 845d97 Sept. 2, 2020, 2:10 a.m. No.10501657   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It is necessary to understand that the Forces of darkness play with EVERY human a “CAT-AND-A-MOUSE” GAME WHICH IS PLANNED IN THEIR COMPUTERS FOR EVERY INDIVIDUAL THOUSANDS AND MILLIONS OF YEARS IN ADVANCE. The Forces of darkness therefore allow for compulsory contribution of humans’ output work – the slavery, fear and like energies – which humans will be giving them throughout their lives in number of the Dark worlds. At the same time, the goal of the Forces of darkness is to gradually BLOCK the entire chakra system of humans which serves for reception of True information from the True Creation; So, there is a PLAN of BLOCKS prepared for each life of human being so that she will be DISCONNECTED AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE from the Prime Creator of all and everything and from True beings – the Cosmic people from the True Creation, everyone’s original HOME.



A standard control element is the schema “WHEN THEY’RE CATHING A BIRDIE, THEY ARE SINGING NICELY TO IT”. This means that a controlled individual is given “benefits” (for example, if he is a businessman, he is passed pieces of information that are suitable for his business), but after ending the life, the soul of that individual is shown (by the Forces of darkness) the film of his life, which however shows only PART of truth, including how Forces of darkness “helped” him to achieve the benefits. The soul then acknowledges that this is true, and they say to him: “And now you will work for us”, and he agrees because he doesn’t know the whole picture, the whole truth. That is, the energy was only LENDED to that soul, and they want it BACK again with interests (just like proper and true businessmen). And as a result, these people “voluntarily” SLAVE in lots of further lives in the trap of the negative state.

Anonymous ID: 845d97 Sept. 2, 2020, 2:13 a.m. No.10501666   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Regarding spiritually more advanced – positive and loving people correctly walking their human spiritual path, controlling entities are, in addition to common practices, forced to use operative contamination. In situations for which the other side has no sufficiently prepared control programs (if, e.g., we don’t make plans, maximum 1 - 3 days), she uses simple contamination of sentences, which she performs operatively as she does not know in advance steps of the Earth man who correctly uses the true guidance by the Forces of Light. It’s mostly about changes or insertions of simple words into sentences, which subsequently render a bit different or completely different meaning. For example, insertion of words – adverbs ONLY, AT ONCE – IMMEDIATELY, QUICKLY, ALWAYS. Of course, it doesn’t always mean that one of these words was inserted by the other side.




When talking to somebody (e.g., while walking), he turns his head on the other side so that almost nothing what he says can be understood – the goal here is to create misunderstandings, quarrels (high degree of controlling).


With Cosmic people communicates ONLY Mr. Meier, no one else, … (when it has been divulged, then at least pervert, pollute or best liquidate it; this has been successfully practiced by some individuals (judges, executors and similar profession) for many years)


Materials of Light at the lecture of Ivo A. Benda are available ONLY there. (If these materials run out, then they certainly aren’t and won’t be anywhere anymore – an internal erroneous conclusion of a controlled human.)


Cosmic people communicate with (and make lighting greetings at sky and show themselves to) ONLY some people (not with/to any others). (Nothing is that far from truth than this statement – an erroneous internal conclusion of controlled human.)


ONLY chosen people will be evacuated (Incorrectly interpreted: Those who will be chosen by Cosmic people.) Correct interpretation: Evacuated people will be the chosen ones (correctly interpreted: those who choose themselves by means of their positive behavior and thinking).


When you walk the street with big title on a bright cloth, some oncoming pedestrians let themselves to be controlled to such extent that they are unable to spot the title. They always turn their heads and eyes somewhere else under whatever pretence. Many times, the other side uses distracting program of kind “behold, there flies a birdie”. Some people have such wrong spiritual state (high controllability – 95 % and more), that such a program is not needed and they still look elsewhere. Even though, the dissemination of light information is very efficient with a web-site name on clothes, especially on streets, in stations, airports full of people, or at busy crossings.

Anonymous ID: 845d97 Sept. 2, 2020, 2:16 a.m. No.10501675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1752 >>2161

For position in the 1st revolution of the Spiritual Path are typical CHURCHLY CONTROL PROGRAMS, which have well-known form of thousands of religions and their numerous sects and fractions, including religionistics (the science about religions). A key controlling element introduced artificially mainly in The Catholic Church (1 billion of members in the world) is JESUS CHRIST ON THE CROSS, which is a default logo, label but also a radiator of coarse-vibratory energies linking or connecting to any one who suffered on the cross in the Middle Ages. These energies have been for two thousand years constantly radiated and emanated from billions of statuettes and pictures into bodies of ignorant Earth men and thus constantly degrading and mortifying their vibrations. In fact, Jesus Christ was never crucified, he didn’t crucify anybody else either, but he preached message of goodness and love – WHAT YOU SEND OUT COMES BACK TO YOU – THE UNIVERSAL LAW. Since the beginning of temptation by the Forces of darkness – already in childhood, Jesus had not been receiving negative energies, his Spirit and soul thus could not be encapsulated (every one takes one’s part in this process, for nothing is by itself and from itself). Another control program is (by many churches) misinterpreted and distorted BIBLE (originally the God’s word which should contain the greatest truths and wisdoms), of which only 30 % is true today (but not in the literal sense – THE MEANING WAS ENCODED so that the pseudo-creators could not misuse this information). One can uncover and learn the true content according to the degree of one’s spiritual growth – the degree of internal communication with The Lord Jesus Christ. Every sentence of that true 30 % of bible conceals MANY TRUE MEANINGS. Other parts of the Bible (primarily, epistles) were added by the Forces of darkness and other parts of the original Bible were REMOVED by them – e.g., the “three chapters” – teachings about pre-existence and pilgrimage of souls and teachings about incarnation (these parts were removed at the Fifth Ecumenical Council in Constantinople (today’s Istanbul) during 8 sessions between January 8th and June 2nd, 553. This removal was forced by East Roman Caesar Justinian). As a result, the important teaching about pre-existence and pilgrimage of souls and teaching about incarnation was permanently REPLACED by the catholic church with teaching about ONE human life after which the soul goes either to the heavens or to the hells forever and ever. This is a massive control tool of fear in the hands of the catholic church !


Another one of commonly used, thousands of years old control programs of churches (the catholic church in particular) is the PROGRAM OF FUNERAL after death – after ending one’s incarnation. Through various means, a great emotion of grief and mourning (coarse-vibratory energies) is created and then intensively directed to the leaving soul (people link to that soul in thought or by simple visualization of him/her and send him/her these awful coarse-vibratory energies). As the reader may already know e.g. from book HEAVEN AND HELL (by Emanuel Swedenborg) or from book THE NEW REVELATION OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST (by Peter Daniel Francuch) – which are also available at , ), when dying and leaving the physical body, the soul is ALWAYS first contacted by Angels of Light, who are helping her in this process and are chatting with her – it is sort of test in which the soul herself chooses whether or not she wants to chat with them (whether she understands them or not), and if not, the Angels of Light – members of Ashtar’s Grand Cosmic Squadron – the guides of souls of astral bodies leave her, and the others are coming – the dark beings, who again chat with that soul and lead her to the corresponding level of the dark worlds. Here the reader can see that “thanks to” to the PROGRAM OF FUNERAL, thanks to the negative energies sent out from many people at the same time, the soul is negatively INFLUENCED and ATTRACTED TO THE DARK WORLDS of the zone of displacement !!! At, you can find the OPPOSITE – THE POSITIVE FUNERAL NOTICE, which informs that given soul has fulfilled her light mission of love and good and she is returning HOME – to the TRUE CREATION, to HER SPIRITUAL FAMILY. The text influences readers and these send to soul the corresponding fine-vibratory energies of love ! Prior to death, one can let given person listen to very positive music (e.g., nice positive songs about Jesus) and read texts, e.g. THE NEW REVELATION OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.


There is a number of similar negative programs in churches.

THE DATASYSTEM (DS) is used at 88 %, the individual control (IC) is used at 12 %. 40 % of planet Earth’s population is controlled in this way – this is over 3 billions of people controlled at 90 - 95 %.