New Intelligence: The Venezuelan Navy’s Secret Submarine
Venezuela’s Navy has a top-end submarine which is virtually unknown even in defense circles. The mini sub is closely related to one recently tested by the U.S. Navy SEALs. Open source intelligence (OSINT) that I have seen strongly points to its presence in Puerto Cabello, Venezuela. This is a sophisticated design with both civilian and military applications.
The mini sub appears to be a VAS 525 model designed by GSE Trieste in Italy. Evidence of the vessel was unearthed by an OSINT researcher ‘sahureka’ who has a track record of unearthing fresh information on Latin American navies.
The VAS 525/60 version, which this is very similar to, is 28 feet long and about 8 feet across. Under the teardrop shaped composite outer shell is a strong steel pressure hull. Inside this it can transport a pilot and 5 passengers or 1,100 lb of payload. The largest VAS-525 variant can hold as many as 12 people, although this one seems smaller. They can dive to depths of up to 525 feet (hence the name), which is deeper than many similar craft. Maximum speed is 6 knots (~7 mph).