Just to smarten up your britches some….and play devil's advocate (No!!!!!! Not in this place you don't! Begone Satan!)
Anyway…. maybe the Cabal won in 2016? Duping and double duping in order to really fool the peoples and treble dupe them?
Just to smarten up your britches some….and play devil's advocate (No!!!!!! Not in this place you don't! Begone Satan!)
Anyway…. maybe the Cabal won in 2016? Duping and double duping in order to really fool the peoples and treble dupe them?
It's not just a corrupt Government. It's a corrupt world - thus why Q has interested so many people across the world.
The world works in unison, and it's highly corrupt. America is just a cog in that - a big one but not the only one.
So no - nobody expects the world to change overnight. Everyone realises it's a big project - if it's an honest one. A big project…but there must come a time when outright liars (media) and deceivers (organisations at worldwide level) are brought to justice. There can be no other route. The peoples of the world must Know (not feel or sense) - KNOW - that they've been played, for decades. Only way you achieve that is real dates for real bad people in court. Not in TV or Net exposes…. in court…. juries…. evidence…. convictions.
As in "Don't insult Muslim Extremists"?
Whacko world. To use the President's terminology…. Nutjobs.
Whether I agree or not, I can kinda follow the gist of most of that except the Queen bit?
This is the Queen that had crowds shouting 'Leave our kids alone!' outside her little home in London not long ago.
What does she understand again?
Whacko world. To use the President's terminology…. Nutjobs.
Yeah. Let's say I'm still waiting for that moment then…. when a bunch of guys (and women) start paying.
Of course this presumes Q knew about all the particulars of the virus - pre, during and post virus.