>>1047173 (notables)
Tony Blair call with Ghaddafi, why relevant now?
Was TB really having a dialogue with G?
Why was G apparently so confused about the facts?
Why did TB seem to insist on the truth facts that were unverified?
Why did TB reject the opportunity/suggestion to come verify?
What was the purpose of this call?
What narrative can TB now honestly support?
"G rejected peace. G threatened to attack his own people."
Google: "Gaddafi letter to Obama". Find an unedited version.
Note pic attached.
Who does G say is responsible for attacking him?
In the call with TB, who does G suggest is supporting Al Qaeda?
Why was the Benghazi investigation so urgently needed?
Was it really about a couple of US agents being killed?
Or was it about evidence that AQ continues to be a Clown asset?
Go back to the call between TB and G.
Note how TB has a narrative that he attempts to force on G.
This "Magick" is quite similar to what we call "Meme Magic(k)".
TB was trying to suck G into a narrative,
But the narrative had to be sufficiently credible to the Masses,
In order for it to manifest as reality.
How does G react to the realization of what TB is doing?
Why does he begin suspecting TB involvement with AQ?
Why does he cite other nations that have succumb to AQ?
Why did G issue a public letter to Hussein shortly thereafter?
How did G attempt to counteract the sinister Magicks at play?
Note G's threat to arm the citizenry.
Why is this relevant?
Why did TB move to urgently intervene?
What occur in Libya ONLY because citizens were not armed?
How was a small, coordinated force able to take down Libya?
Again–what was G's immediate reaction to the colonial threat?
What has Q said about the 2A.
Now, expand your thinking.
What has Q said about HRC/Hussein's intentions?
Why are they even now trying to disarm US Americans?
Why is GEOTUS so urgent about securing the border?
What occurred in Libya ONLY because the citizenry was disarmed?
Who were the Clown actors involved in that affair?
And are these the same Clown actors trying to disarm America?
What does Q mean by "expand your thinking"?
What are US Americans trained to NOT do?
What are the SHEEP trained to ignore?
What level of evil and treachery can you seriously imagine?
How evil and amoral and inconsiderate can humans truly be?
Is the Holohoax really the most evil thing we can consider–why?
Why are we unable to see & feel the evil right in front of us?
Why are we here joking and memeing about (((them))),
Rather than making plans to fight, organize, and survive.
Why are comfortable being fatasses on the internet,
And not out there training out assess off fight, react, and run?
Why are we so docile and non-serious about BAD BAD SHIT?
Again–expand you thinking.
Reconsider what actually happened in Libya.
Living. Hell. On. Earth.
Now ask yourself: were they intending that here as well? (2nd pic related)
"These people are SICK".
RIP Mu'aumer Qaddaffi