Liberals wanted radical politics so they could push their gay/pedo agenda
What they found, with or without Trump, the radical right is more powerful and bigger than their faggot agenda
Liberals wanted radical politics so they could push their gay/pedo agenda
What they found, with or without Trump, the radical right is more powerful and bigger than their faggot agenda
Pretty much the entire under 30 crowd is bunch of sociopaths
Years of video game conditioning, these zombies don’t think about the consequences of their actions, they don’t care
Local kid steals truck and kills young mom during police chase, kid laughed about it all the way to jail. Start charging parents for their shitty parenting
Now the commies are blaming schools and colleges for muh virus
Prob a blessing in disguise….public Ed is a giant turd
If we get rid of old fuckers…all this doomsday shit will die with them
Hey Jim how bout a gofundme for new image server???
Awwww….did mommie tell you to say that???
Bush family Stasi will be at polls to stop you from voting in person
U mad yet.
For all ya college feetball fans
Jerry Sandusky was NOT an “isolated incident”
Kids are being abused for profit!!!
Boycott college sports
Have a riot…..get millions of Trump bucks
Feds have been bailing out police depts since 911
How about a full investigation of where all the money went and suspension of pensions until the money is found… bout dat?