"Some landlords are rent-seeking cocksuckers who should seek mercy from God.)"
Agree with everything except this. You want to use someone else's asset? Pay up. Most state renters' rights are bullshit and advantage renters in a ludicrous way.
Find me a factory that will let you use their machinery for free, let alone tolerate you treating it like shit.
"But it's the only factory with an injection molder within 500 miles of me! They should do what I want! The machine isn't even that nice (even though I saw it before I started using it)"
Tough shit. Move, or hustle to start your own factory.
"But it's the only affordable housing near my job! They owe me the use of their home."
Tough shit. Move, or hustle to buy your own house.
Start in a shit trailer on a rented lot and move your way up.