the C.F.R is the beast
50 + spook clowns running for office as Dems.
names at World Socialist Website
the 'other' coup
CIA has done destabilization of other countries for 70 years.
Any who thinks they are not doing it inside USA is not playing with a full deck.
( 3 Days Of The Condor , a movie ? )
follow to CFR - Bilderberg - Trilateral comission
all NWO ' think tanks ' , like Report From Iron Mountain
AT DAWN WE SLEPT , book about Pearl attack
Dead Kennedys gonna need a bigger bootlegger
Loyalty matters
its NOT the 7th floor , its the whole State Department , infiltrated since Henry Kissenger and the Population Affairs genocide planning office for 3rd world countries.
I've got one that can see !!!!!!
Fighting a satanic child stealing cabal ?
Is that a bad thing ?
symbols rule the world
nancy makes you hott ?