What a dumbfuck Redditor - you think the documents just disappeared today? You Reddit navel gazers are so stupid it boggles the mind. Pathetic, truly - no surprise, but still pathetic
ANOTHER Redditard. Man, you dummies are out in force today, /r/tards
yes, we conspire to share open-source information. O, the horror of it all
Agreed. They invented 'QAnon' so they could paint it to be what THEY say it is
Those who ID as 'QAnons' are complicit
I dont share my identity here. I am just 'anon'
that's the purpose of a strawman. The crazies arent us
Putting words into anons' mouths is a shill activity, and a very low-IQ one at that, you crazy little 'QAnon'-er. You retards are sad, you really are. It is why anons don't want to be associated with you
I will stick with Q and anons, same as I always have. You? You can fuck right off with your childish nonsense
I hope he does it. Maybe then they will go away
It would certainly fit Alex's M.O. and the Tore/Millie/Steinshart bitches. I'm seeing a pattern
'QAnon' is neither of Q nor of anons - but it does make it easier to spot the fakes
Perfect - that's the best place for you since you arent bright enough to discern what is going on
You dont belong here. Go follow PreyingPedic
Free speech board, sugartits
I just stole that
Final Frontier is more like it. They'll be gone soon
oh, it has come up. Check qresear.ch
It would be Grassley. So you're correct. Patriots would retain control of the White House without you needing to get your dumb ass shot