From Whom is the Information Collected?
Information in SENTINEL is collected from numerous sources. Some information may be collected directly from individuals, such as employment applicants, crime victims and witnesses, human sources, and members of the public. Other information may be provided by other law enforcement agencies, including state, local, tribal, and foreign, as well as by other government agencies, including civilian, military, and homeland security. Information may also be collected from private sector entities and open source intelligence (such as newspapers, the Internet, or television broadcasts).
Information on FBI employees is generally collected directly from them unless the FBI employee becomes the subject of an investigation. In that case, the employee is considered the same as any other individual under investigation.
In the law enforcement and intelligence contexts, if an individual is the subject or potential subject of an investigation or intelligence collection,it is often necessary to acquire information from sources other than the individual. At times, vital information can only be obtained from other sources that are familiar with the individual and his/her activities. In some cases, asking an individual directly for information could compromise ongoing investigations because the individual would then know that he or she is being investigated.
Where are the servers??
Who can access the files?
Name log of all who have access?