Anonymous ID: 1b7209 Sept. 2, 2020, 12:22 p.m. No.10506344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6386 >>6424 >>6725

Pedophile Islands s s s ! Part 1A of 3, New Water in old waters


The whole world has witnessed Biden to be a creepy pedophile. It is only by grace and mercy, perhaps false respect for office, that Biden is not branded PEDOPHILE across forehead. His trespasses have been, passed over, only too generously for sake of nomenclature barring reality. People should be branded for what they demonstrate, not luck of any rigged elections. In 4624 link, Q green-lights anons to go after Biden as President Pedophile demonstrating POTUS Trump to be well ahead of it all by calling Biden Sleepy… reference to who he sleeps with as much as his alertness, the nasty old man. Sleepy, by Q Code implication, is also one of the Seven. Is that another hint? Sleepy has a significant history on Water Island and thereabout.


I was in those waters, days before Father's day, 2019, Epstein being arrested July 6th same year, in NJ. I did not chose those waters to vacation, of common cruise and related touring fame, But I could not have better chosen the details fully realizing the opportunities plans afforded. I studied the area, remotely, long before arrival. I knew Rockefeller, Laurance, had bought and donated much of St John Island as National Park, Virgin Islands, (VI), the lion's share of our touring. What I did not know is that he held back a few hundred acres adjacent to Park for private development. On a choice part of his reserve he build Caneel Bay Resort, AKA RockResort, so our guide instructed as we toured St John. It is only a few sea miles from Epstein's Little Saint James Island, which I passed by twice, less than 2 miles on a common people ferry of 300 plus to get on and off of St John from St Thomas.


I had also studied Q 294, Day of Infamy 2017, fourth pic down, HRC and Laurance at a UFO 'thing' at his JY ranch during Clinton years. The two along with bad-boy-billy, we all know what he is, many think they connived to turn UFO hype into popular religion planting the seeds that our planet could be invaded at any second… by C_A dressed in Hollywood garb and shooting secret WMD voiding earth of much excessive population, their opinion. Result would be domination under 'alien' rule, fully the hoax of glamour and glitz, mass delusion, brainwashed and fully rigged, like many elections. Think date for what Q suggested, Day of INFAMY, do not miss obvious. Consider pic 1-3 same Q drop. See Angela's hands, a 5:5 message of world domination! See Barry's book and ring, he too had no good plans. Every intent was bad for you and me. Q does not paint a good picture for Laurance of VI waters, good friend to bad-boy and bad-boy to Epstein, same waters. Strange they all converge in these same Islands, for their pleasures, or not strange.


Drop 299, same day of INFAMY, year 17, Q offers the formula Rothschild + SA + Soros right before formulating these two lines lines: "/\ - Rock (past)(auth over followers)", "\ (present)Roth". That is a minus sign, not dash before 'Rock'. Rockefeller never found in Q Code. This 'Rock', as in RockResort, is the closest, along with pic of Laurence and HRC, that Q comes to Rockefeller, all on Day of Infamy. Biden closely associated with Jay Rokefeller, JD IV, (nephew of Laurance, he being third generation) along with KKK Bird, both W Virginia Senators for decades along with Biden. Imagine halls of Senate, see Biden, see Rockefeller, then turn to waters of pleasure see Biden and uncle Rockefeller, foul birds (Bird) of a feather flocking together, always.


Based on article linked by 4624 drop, Biden's lofty property on Water Island overlooks the waters to Pedophile Island perhaps into the bay with the dock. View into that dock/bay area from land, would be an exceedingly rare glimpse into Epstein's daily world. Distance would be roughly 6 to 7 miles. With ease, my 300mm caught closed temple doors at range of 2 miles and less. Superior lens, nothing uncommon, could see much better across sea into Pedophile complex from Biden perch. Air quality always an issue in these waters. Documented problem of dust off Sahara diminishes visibility. On a very good day, eye can see 40 miles to the rise of a hazy St Croix. We had good visibility but not that good. Sahara dust was real across our vison.

Anonymous ID: 1b7209 Sept. 2, 2020, 12:24 p.m. No.10506359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6424 >>6725

Pedophile Islands s s s ! Part 1B of 3, New Water in old waters


Based on article linked by 4624 drop, Biden's lofty property on Water Island overlooks the waters to Pedophile Island perhaps into the bay with the dock. View into that dock/bay area from land, would be an exceedingly rare glimpse into Epstein's daily world. Distance would be roughly 6 to 7 miles. With ease, my 300mm caught closed temple doors at range of 2 miles and less. Superior lens, nothing uncommon, could see much better across sea into Pedophile complex from Biden perch. Air quality always an issue in these waters. Documented problem of dust off Sahara diminishes visibility. On a very good day, eye can see 40 miles to the rise of a hazy St Croix. We had good visibility but not that good. Sahara dust was real across our vision.


Water Island lies on direct path between International Airport and Pedophile Island. Traveling between the two requires flight over or around Water Island. Biden's loft among best to see it all, air and sea approaches to Pedophile Island. Maxwell sub would have been a challenge unless at dock. I would think Epstein would be well pleased to have such a keen lookout point in friendly Biden hands. This is playground for rich and famous… where passers like me, like to peek and snap, extend a lens. A year and more past, before Epstein's NJ arrest, I raised the question, 8chan, why his temple doors are never seen open, never on all of Net. They ever flaunt and haunt every passing tourist with a meager lens and are always easily viable from many points on both St Thomas and St John Islands. Why never open? Within a month, before FBI raid, a drone got close enough to see those giant, thick doors were nothing but paint, Hollywood style, billboard like show, another world-wide hoax, painted long before Russia, Russia, Russia. And Dems always dare to think their elections are real. Biden property could see those doors, with good lens, but never see them open across sea.


Pedophile Island was a show place, on outside, topside, like Palm Beach and NYC. Enjoy the show. But not like NM, King/Zorro Ranch, a mammoth 26K feet tiny dot lost on 10K acreage surrounded by much more. NM was always Epstein's well hidden hole-in-the-wall. Pedophile Island was for flaunt and Biden plot of a spot, could see it very well.


The bottom line, this is not Pedophile Island, not from start to finish. These are Pedophile Islands s s s, dot, dot, dot, spot, spot, spot, plot, plot, plot ! ! !


Pedophile Islands s s s ! Part 1A of 3, New Water in old waters

Pedophile Islands s s s ! Part 1B of 3, New Water in old waters


Pedophile Islands s s s ! Part 2A of 3,Timeline

Pedophile Islands s s s ! Part 2B of 3,Timeline


Pedophile Islands s s s ! Part 2 of 3 A to ?, Observations

Anonymous ID: 1b7209 Sept. 2, 2020, 12:26 p.m. No.10506377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6725

Pedophile Islands s s s ! Part 2A of 3, Timeline


As I said, I was there, in those waters 2019 weeks before Epstein was arrested, NJ. I did not arrange the trip, but immediately recognized the advantage(s) as travel plans firmed among routine Cruise line options. I studied those treacherous waters much before arriving. Big surprise came touring St John Island. I had already studied the Q drop on the day of infamy, 2017, pic of Hilly and Rockefeller (Laurance), Q 295, fourth pic down. I knew Rockefeller(s) figured in and at one time was part of /_. I knew Rockefeller bought and donated much of St John Island for National Park. What I did not know is that Rockefeller (one of 5 'brothers', think pentagram) kept a choice beach parcel surrounded by Park for private resort, Caneel Bay, AKA RockResort. This was likely early days of Cabal using these Islands for their Human Trafficking exploits. I think timeline must start with Rockefeller expansion into these Islands.


Laurance Rockefeller, LR, 1910-2004

Jeffery Epstein, JE, 1953-2019

Biden dealings, B, Joe, Brother, Lobbyist: J, B, L

1932 Rockefeller purchased JY ranch as private retreat Jackson Hole, site of UFO Conference, pic Q 295

1940 LR establishes Jackson Hole Preserve, JHP

1940 Rockefeller Brother Fund (RBF) established: JD 3rd, Nelson, Laurance, Winthrop, David

1950s startup of Rocksresort (AKA, RockResort, Rockresorts & Rocksresorts), think Rock Q 299

1952 LR by boat explores around St John Island

1952-56 JHP purchases large tracts of land on St John Island and builds Caneel Resort

1955 LR buys Dorado Bay property, Puerto Rico, 20 mi west of San Juan

1956 LR opened Caneel Resort and donates most of Island as Park

1981 LR said to be retired, NYC business hub of far flung interests, but does anyone really know

1981 JE begins a string of business adventures, NYC hub, that serves the ultra rich, but nobody knows

1982 LR ends trusteeship of RBF 

1983 Rockefeller 'Jackson Hole Preserve' donates Caneel to USVI holding a 40 year lease, RUE

1993 JE  purchase of Zorro Ranch property in NM

1996 JE starts to use Waxner 77M NYC townhouse

1998 Epstein purchases Little Saint James Island, a few sea miles distance from Caneel Resort

2001 LR donates JY Jackson Hole property to National Park

2004 LR dies

2004 CBI Acquisitions take over Caneel  LR lease

Anonymous ID: 1b7209 Sept. 2, 2020, 12:29 p.m. No.10506411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6424 >>6725

Pedophile Islands s s s ! Part 2B of 3, Timeline


As I said, I was there, in those waters 2019 weeks before Epstein was arrested, NJ. I did not arrange the trip, but immediately recognized the advantage(s) as travel plans firmed among routine Cruise line options. I studied those treacherous waters much before arriving. Big surprise came touring St John Island. I had already studied the Q drop on the day of infamy, 2017, pic of Hilly and Rockefeller (Laurance), Q 295, fourth pic down. I knew Rockefeller(s) figured in and at one time was part of /_. I knew Rockefeller bought and donated much of St John Island for National Park. What I did not know is that Rockefeller (one of 5 'brothers', think pentagram) kept a choice beach parcel surrounded by Park for private resort, Caneel Bay, AKA RockResort. This was likely early days of Cabal using these Islands for their Human Trafficking exploits. I think timeline must start with Rockefeller expansion into these Islands.


Laurance Rockefeller, LR, 1910-2004

Jeffery Epstein, JE, 1953-2019

Biden dealings, B, Joe, Brother, Lobbyist: J, B, L


2004 LR dies

2004 CBI Acquisitions take over Caneel  LR lease

2005 BB buys lofty Water Island perch

2005 BB gains easement to Water property, no price recorded

2006 LB buys parcel on Water off BB

2006 JB allegedly vacations on Water 

2007 Trump bans JE from Mar-a-Largo

2007 JB allegedly vacations on Water 

2008 JE pleads guilty to sex crimes in FL getting sweetheart deal

2008 JE registered Sex offender in FL

2008 JB vacations on Water, Christmas/NY, as VP elect

2009 JB vacations on Water as VP, holiday season

2010 JE registered as a sex offender in NM but only briefly

2010 JE registered as sex offender in NY but switches to Virgin Island residency soon thereafter

2010 JE registered as sex offender Virgin Islands, very dodgy

2010 JB vacations on Water as VP, holiday season

2011 JE gains total control of NYC Waxner townhouse, under Virgin Island name

2011 and beyond JB vacations on St Croix, Virgin Islands

2016 JE buys Great St James banking on Trump loss, system rigged

2017 March 20, David Rockefeller dies, last of 5

2017 Hurricanes Irma and Maria, Sept, destroy/close Caneel Resort until present, Little Saint James damaged

2017 Nov 11, Q 133, first use of 'Epstein' in Q Code

2017 year TQ, Day of Infamy, Q 294 pic of HRC/LR; 299: /\ - Rock (past)(auth over followers); \ (present)

2017 Dec 21, HR 4731, Plaskett, D, bill to extend Caneel Bay lease for 60 years

2019 JB seen on St Croix NY day months before announcing candidacy for US Pres

2019 Aug, JE is suicided

2020 Aug 19, Q 4624, by link, Q points to B interest on Water Island, during Dem convention, JB final win

2020 Currently Caneel is under intense legal battle, owner wants 60 more years

2023 LR 40 year lease on Caneel ends, property goes to Park, if no other deal is worked out requiring Congress