Thank you baker
>This is how you live after
>you give up your firearms.
>You become aSUBJECT
GermanAnon can only say - this is 100% correct.
Buy as many weapons as you can, otherwise you'll end up as bad as Germany.
You will only get fucked by everyone!
It is a very complicated subject and a very sad one at that.
You are right if you assume that something like this has been around for a long time.
For example, the ancient Greeks had a tradition of old men accepting young men for instruction, and only when a young man had drunk the seed of an adult man he became a man.
Sounds just disgusting to our ears, but apparently it was like that in those days.
So there has always been this phenomenon.
Sometimes covered by the dominant culture but mostly not.
Although, if you look at Islam, it is allowed to marry little girls, and the same goes for Jews.
Nevertheless, I have the feeling that it is increasing in our society more and more.
Yes, maybe this sick shit has always been brewing under the surface and we normal people haven't noticed it.
A good friend of mine is a psychiatrist, I'm going to ask him about it.
Maybe he can help me with the question.
If so, I will write it in here.
By the way - that thing with the guy with the horns - I'm currently studying a lot about early history.
Men with horns did not always stand for evil.
On the contrary.
In early Nordic culture, they stood for sincerity, honesty, righteousness and defensiveness.
It may be that (((they))) also twisted it.