The big question isโฆ.will this cancel the NFL season?
Trump just gained another 2 pts in the polls
Let's just wait to see what Lebron has to say
The mayor of Racine was arrested 10 fucking years ago
I guess you two rocket surgeons don't understand
how blackmail works.
Let me dumb it down for youโฆ..pedos who are being blackmailed get protected from arrest. See how it works, retards?
That's my point you stupid fuck
If they were being blackmailed and controlled
why the fuck were they rolled up?
Fucking kys, cunt
and then one day the cabal didn't need their
controlled assets anymore so they let them
get arrested, because setting up new ones is easy
I'm done trying to explain this to you, Corky
So when do we receive our settlement?
Funny how Trump and Q have talked tough
about Twatter for 4 years and haven't done jack shit.
Now one based lawyer who had a twat deleted
is going to dry fuck Dorsey
Who's in control here?
Really? Does it seem like you are in control?
Now put on your face diaper and shut the fuck up