We should take a look at Mental Health Services/Agencies, their treatments and the law in their regard. I've just found this document and I'm going to make a few posts about it while providing pages from it.
This is important for everyone's freedom, under mental health legislation you are not even protected from torture by article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights, article 3 reads:
"no one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment"
Cool watching this livestream and some bird is talking about mental health related stufff……great, because this is one of their main tools of control to keep us in line, not so much us, the ordinary people, but those who are already serving this corrupt and evil system imposed on us by royalties around the world. Royalties in some cases which are ruling overtly, like in UK, but others who are ruling covertly under the cover of the vatican, ancient families who have ruled for centuries, the same ones responsible for selling "indulgences" in the middle ages which saw the rise of Protestantism under Martin Luthor and other theologians.
The book of Laws (Talmud) that is concentrated on by people in ignorance of Torah, is nothing more than the Jewish (heirarchy, ie. Rothschild) equivalent of the indulgences of Rome, in complete contravention and contradiction of true Judaism.
At this Juncture in history, we are all Jews, we are all Christians, we are all black, we are all white…………We are one. One Human Race, and all under attack from people who claim to "rule" by the "Grace of God" (Royalty). Do they really have the right vax n chip us all by the Grace of God?
If so, which God?
Not the God of Christ the redeemer, that surely is obvious to any Christian or Jew, or Muslim for that matter (all 3 being of Abrahamic origin).