I couldn't find it onsizzle with similar searches to yourself, but I did find something on a clone site called ballmemes.com.
and that site has the same date/time stamps as onsizzle -
FOUND ON 2018-07-11 00:23:41 BY SIZZLE
I had initially thought that the date was Nov 7th, but checking other memes on the site shows the date format is YYYY-MM-DD (pic 2) or https://ballmemes.com/?s=new . So that would put the current earliest sighting of the blackbox with Q sticker at July 11th 2018. Q posted it July 27 2018 (11:14:47 (EST)) so 16 days difference. Ballmeme site also gives the source as Reddit.
Haven't got very far with that. Tbh I thought there would be loads of reddit archive sites. URL doesn't appear in Waybackwhen, archive.is etc. Still going with that one…