at least we know you are getting your poleland invaded regularly
at least we know you are getting your poleland invaded regularly
a$$ COVETing-19 jew propoganda
nothing says poleland jews more than panickfagging shills
ever notice you are stuck in a closet
mumbling the same egregores over and over
looking for sympathy
a$$ COVETing-19 jews need a$$ to ride to i$RaEl
canned shit repost shitposting
for homo tendies
pompus pedo unviels himself to foreigners
xenujew propoganda
drunk from BARR : piggies identify bilbo subliminals in pANTIFA satanisms
>Tucker is stirring the Pot
trannywhore tries to identify as "faggot of reason" with foxjews
twitterpated danalingus danielfaggot devil makes homo pleas of inncocence with innocuous faggot salad spams
some old anus party member hired xenujews for memes
"fart licking cock suckers were caught faykin teh gehy of hell on earth" ~karl marx
>Nancy was framed with bad hair.
retarded facelift zombie needs false light satanisms for fleshy color
>International Criminal Court officials sanctioned by US
international pensive homo old anus cult memebers spam "foreign hookers shekels" propoganda to distract homos from a$$ COVETing jews that want to ride a$$ to i$rael
gentrified jew whine
>Based AG uses the word RAMROD unironically.
delusional trannywhore thinks its a "sex idol" cause of its miserable skin trafficker seo campaign
good thing
we got your shit for brains
exposing itself
on a sad lil website in Australia huh
that's obama's brother in a tv show
gosh homo
probably not
cause we broke up
i lied about being "frens"
but it made you go away anyways
gary coleman is still a ninja
barr drunk tries to entertain cia 13 step homos of AA
tranny misery anchor text
tacky memes homo
cabbage tries to sell anything these days huh
casket fishing?