dont lose the forest for the trees anon
much of the bible was not written to be taken literally
40k ft view is best
dont lose the forest for the trees anon
much of the bible was not written to be taken literally
40k ft view is best
the truth shall set you free
the details of the accounts are for teaching sand education not for precise wording
its all translated for one, but there are many other reasons
>Human intellect could NOT have written the Bible!
really? well i will concede that "human intellect" is god based
but humans wrote it all right
OT is history - poems, wisdom literature, prophecy, and writings that describe the purpose of life and from whence it came
the NT is all historical accounts and teachings about jesus
the bible is a miracle but people wrote it
its a complex topic studied by thousands of persons and written about for 2000 years
read and study those sources for your answers
what i posted is accurate
your post is orthodox religious teachings not the bible per se
big difference