Anonymous ID: a0c012 April 15, 2018, 8:58 a.m. No.1051582   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Have a little faith in people. That may be a bit hard, but the average person doesn't have ego in the same way that many of us do. Herd mentality - suppress individual wants/concerns to go with the flow of the herd. No individual cow would walk off a cliff. A herd could be driven over one, however.


The reason why is that the herd can't all see the cliff. If enough indoviduals can be roused to understand the herd's destination is a cliff, then the herd will become aware of the suicidal threat and avoid it.

Anonymous ID: a0c012 April 15, 2018, 9:18 a.m. No.1051726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1742 >>1757 >>1765 >>1777


Everything is everything. Connect the dots right in front of you. Facebook, Alphabet, Twitter -are- part of that classified record. They were building profiles on every person in the world to use to establish almost absolute control over how that person is shown information, as well as how that person is educated and allowed to work within society.


Releasing "everything" logically (think it) means all of those records become public as well. Not just records of it happening, but the individual dossiers built on every citizen. Phone records. Text messages. Browsing history (even the stuff you thought was done without being tracked), history of travel, etc.


The fact that, in the face of such an enormous amount of information, 40% of secret records will be released is absolutely amazing. That 60% will have to remain private should be obvious. We don't need to be digging through each other's lives with the eyes of demigods. Especially not with our penchant for holier-than-thou attitude.


Then there is, also, the curious post Q replied to regarding incarnated aliens. People don't understand just how big this is going to get. Why the 'elite' have done what they have. Worship of a god? Maybe… They believe themselves to be gods. So… Perhaps they are a little sour that they weren't chosen? Trying to shit in the punch bowl out of spite.


Frankly, I had logically deduced this as the most probable explanation given the historical records of ancient civilizations. But, I wrote it off for a time as my thinking being a bit too expanded. Right up until Q made that reply.

Then everything about Q and POTUS falls into place. As well as some other things.


I'd say to wait and see what that 40% is before asking for more. You may already be getting far more than you ever dreamed there was.

Anonymous ID: a0c012 April 15, 2018, 9:28 a.m. No.1051785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1794


They don't understand humor.

Just look at the movies they write. They just don't get it. Comedy is about being able to grasp a set of truths within a contradiction. The dog sitting comfortably inside the room while the kid shouts at the window to be let in. In that simple concept, a range of things collide to form an ironic truth. The kids can be worse than the animals.


Not all comedians consciously understand this, and I would argue that while the left has comedians, they are often the most right-leaning within the left, and/or have somehow retained the ability to process human emotion.


This is exposed in memes. Even lame memes from the right strike far more of a chord than some of the better memes from the left. The left doesn't seem to grasp the importance of having a relevant picture, either. It's always the target surrounded by a fog of words. They don't understand how the picture is supposed to carry the words.