roughly minus 4 minutes, stream cuts over to the Portland Antifa snack van getting pulled over in Kenosha
wtf is this cunt taking pictures of?
snack van fag back on
he at walgreens
sees two cars as leaving
cars follow him
and put lights on pull him over
and tow his vehicle
Grammar Kitty having a tough time watching these fucking losers
that stream is in DC but has a multistream going and has cut over a couple of times to Kenosha snack fag getting his car towed
they chasing the local fake news away
fug yu say ass nigga? aint finna find nah grape soda free gnaimsayin legit furreal
"mayor will release the video tomorrow morning. and the police have acted appropriately"
she looks real upset
apparently that cretin is the leader of DC black lives matter according to the streamer
and she was screaming at the local ANC commissioner