Anonymous ID: 0868da Sept. 2, 2020, 7:55 p.m. No.10510927   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Understanding, Protecting and Utilizing Deep Sea Resources:

The Special Case of Polymetallic Nodules


Humanity needs millions of tons of base metals to transition to a low-carbon future, and we have some incredibly tough decisions to make. Do we cut down more rainforests, blast and dig deeper to get more nickel, copper, cobalt and manganese on land, or do we go to the dark, sparsely populated desert-like environment of the Clarion Clipperton Zone in the deep ocean that appears to have three orders of magnitude fewer organisms in the sediment than exist in the soil on land? Do we accept more human miners’ deaths, child labor and toxic tailings dam collapses on land, or do we allow remotely operated harvester vehicles to disturb the seabed and its inhabitants as they collect polymetallic nodules that can be processed with near-zero waste? Perhaps most importantly, should we get the metals required to electrify our world’s vehicle fleet from land-based mines — a source that emits roughly four to five times more carbon dioxide per electric vehicle — or from the deep ocean, where we have the opportunity to meet demand with a fraction of the carbon impact?


When it comes to natural resource extraction, typically you have one state agency writing the rules, often with few stakeholders at the table. That’s why the regulatory regime being developed by the 168 member states of the UN International Seabed Authority (ISA) is so unique. Not only do we have countries from around the world collaborating to develop an operational code with the goal of minimizing impact before any activity takes place, we have an unprecedented opportunity to protect biologically important areas of the Clarion Clipperton Zone. In fact, never before in the industrial age has there been this much forethought, global involvement and transparency with an extractive industry. The UN, to the best of its ability has taken on lessons learned from past industrializations and is applying the precautionary approach at an extraordinarily high level. As an ocean scientist who helped pioneer Marine Protected Areas and global studies of ocean health, I believe that we need to take this opportunity to show the world that we can do this right. That’s what excites me most about working with DeepGreen.


So it is disappointing when well-meaning NGOs call for us to stop the exploration of the deep sea as a potential source of base metals for the green transition. The exploration licenses issued to contractors and sovereign states by the ISA are a driver of deep-sea discovery right now, enabling us to learn about the organisms and geography of this vast, important ecosystem. In a recent report put out by Greenpeace, the advocacy group calls for a moratorium on deep sea mining and says that 30% of our planet’s oceans should be set aside as Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). I wholeheartedly agree that we should protect at least 30% of our oceans as MPAs, and indeed the ISA is working to designate 34% of the CCZ as Areas of Particular Environmental Interest (APEIs), off limits to resource extraction. As a card-carrying conservationist, I have much respect for groups like Greenpeace and have worked side by side with them in the past. Their call for a moratorium, however, is both short-sighted and self-defeating. (I am specifically talking about polymetallic nodules, not the other types of deep-sea mining mentioned in the Greenpeace report, seafloor massive sulfides and cobalt crusts. I have different views on those because they are fundamentally different resources with different environmental impacts.) We cannot transition to a world filled with electric cars and renewable energy by recycling base metals, there are not yet enough of them in the system. Polymetallic nodules are a very special case and opportunity for the world at a time when we need them most.

Anonymous ID: 0868da Sept. 2, 2020, 8:04 p.m. No.10511010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1087 >>1129


Torah scrolls disappear from Damascus synagogue in fog of Syria war


Jewish artifacts, including ancient parchment Torahs from one of the world’s oldest synagogues, have gone missing from the Syrian capital amid the tumult of ongoing civil war, with some precious items reportedly surfacing abroad.


Activists say the artifacts, moved from the now-destroyed Jobar Synagogue in Damascus’s eastern Ghouta suburb when it was taken by rebels, were allegedly put into safekeeping to avoid theft and damage in 2013, but twice since then local officials have discovered some are missing.


The main missing cache, they say, contained Torah scrolls written on gazelle leather as well as tapestries and chandeliers, and was given to a militia by a local council for safekeeping when rebels surrendered the neighborhood to government forces earlier this year. That group, the Islamist-inspired Failaq al-Rahman brigade, later said that it was not in possession of the items after the council arrived at a new rebel base in Syria’s north after evacuating earlier this year.


Another set of objects appears to have been stolen by a Syrian guardian entrusted by the local council to hide the items in his home. The man, whom officials involved declined to name, disappeared with the artifacts in 2014 before some allegedly resurfaced in Turkey.


Activists say antiquities theft is rife in Syria, and some even cast doubt over whether the missing items, including the valuable Torahs, were even original works.


“Some of the items that went missing in 2014 and this year have started surfacing now in Turkey,” said an activist who lived near the synagogue his whole life until he fled the area in March after a crushing government offensive. The man, who goes by the name of Hassan al-Dimashqi, said the ensuing government airstrikes and bombardment destroyed most of the synagogue and the surrounding neighborhood, although some of the building’s pillars remain standing.


The synagogue, also known as Eliyahu Hanavi, is one of the few Jewish places of worship in Syria that was functioning until shortly before conflict began in March 2011. Residents of the neighborhood remember how less than a dozen Jews, most of them over 50, came quietly once a week to pray.


Videos and photographs from the synagogue taken before the war show a main hall of arches lined with seats and tapestries. Chandeliers and lanterns hang from the ceiling as well as a marble stone with writing in Arabic, Hebrew and Latin.



During a visit by an Associated Press photographer to the synagogue in January 2000, Youssef Jajati, a Jewish community leader in Syria at the time, showed the Torah scrolls stored in a silver container inside the synagogue’s Holy Ark.


Al-Dimashqi said that for months after rebels seized the neighborhood in 2013, the synagogue was protected by the main local force in Jobar, known at the time as the Haroun al-Rashid Brigade. Later that year local officials formed a committee that decided to empty the building and hide its contents, he added.


Some local officials say the man who disappeared in 2014 reached Europe and the artifacts he took ended up in Israel, according to al-Dimashqi, although his ultimate fate and that of the antiquities remain unknown.


The whereabouts of the items entrusted with Failaq al-Rahman have not been verified, although al-Dimashqi and the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a war monitor, say some of the pieces, including carpets, chandeliers and historical scripts, have surfaced in Turkey.


Turkish state media reported in May that authorities had detained five people in the country’s northwest who were trying to sell two old Torahs for 8 million Turkish lira ($1.7 million). It said the manuscripts were written on gazelle leather.


Maamoun Abdul-Karim, who until recently was Syria’s director-general of antiquities and museums, has publicly urged the Turks to verify the manuscripts’ authenticity. In the 1990s, rumors circulated in Damascus that the originals had been stolen, switched with copies, and smuggled to Israel, he added.

Anonymous ID: 0868da Sept. 2, 2020, 8:07 p.m. No.10511033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1063


The story of the 'Torah' seizure gained worldwide media attention


An ancient Torah scroll reportedly seized from smugglers by security forces in Turkey in November is in fact a crude forgery, the museum analyzing it said on Tuesday.


The story of the seizure gained worldwide attention in several media outlets last month after Turkish news agencies said police in the country’s south west had unearthed what they believed was a 700-year old holy text being offered by "smugglers" for $1.93 million.


Pictures of the rare discovery showed a colorful but haphazardly leather-bound book, with Hebrew markings that appeared at first glance to be upside-down and don’t seem to resemble actual Hebrew phrases.


After sharing the pictures on Twitter, i24NEWS’ culture correspondent Maya Margit noticed several respondents doubted the authenticity of the find, over which police said they had detained one man and bailed three others.


“As we see from the page, this book is not Torah,” a spokesman for the Hagia Sofia Museum in Istanbul wrote in an email, noting that Torahs from this period should be scrolls rather than a bound book.


“Most of these books are forger[ies]. But we can't say more without conducting further research,” the spokesperson added.


Turkey faces a growing problem of fake antiquities, including Judaica, experts have observed.


“The manuscript looked completely wrong from the language and material points of view, a very bad fake,” Dr Roberta Mazza, a papyrologist at the United Kingdom’s University of Manchester told i24NEWS.


“In recent years there have been a considerable number of allegedly ancient manuscripts offered through eBay accounts based in Turkey, which have been selling a mix of fake and genuine documents offered without any documented provenance,” she said.


“Fake material is often presented as Jewish or Christian because it appeals to international buyers.”


A market for fraudulent antiquities was further spurred by Syria’s almost six-years-long civil war, the Los Angeles Times reported last year.


The breakdown of rule of law across swathes of the country led to numerous unauthorized excavations that created an appetite for ancient Syrian treasures, the report suggested.


It’s a market counterfeiters and touts have apparently eagerly grasped.


Syria’s director-general of antiquities and museums Maamoun Abdulkarim was quoted as saying that the portion of fakes among the artefacts he sees has jumped to 70% in the last few years.

Anonymous ID: 0868da Sept. 2, 2020, 8:24 p.m. No.10511166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1171 >>1179



Guanajuato is where Aleister Crowley met Don Jesus who helped him form the Order of the Lamp of the Invisible Light in 1904. This is why Excel on the Mac always started counting years with 1904.


Guanajuato is also one of the end points from which Don Genaro, a friend of Carlos Castaneda's Don Juan, teleported to a city in southern Mexico.

Anonymous ID: 0868da Sept. 2, 2020, 8:36 p.m. No.10511255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1297 >>1361 >>1377



It s connected with the master of deception

Aleister Crowley

And you are willing to believe what they say?

Unless you have studied Thelema

And understand what they are doing

Then you are just another sheep being herded by them to the slaughter.


These are the people who rule the world.

Remember when POTUS said to Ingraham that he has been offering Portland some help for 93 days?

That 93 was a message to THEM.

Anonymous ID: 0868da Sept. 2, 2020, 8:54 p.m. No.10511406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1450


There is a difference between deception and fiction

Fiction is all made up in someone's imagination.

Deception is a tool of the master con artist,

And is used in teaching a younger con artist how to master the art

And not get taken in himself.

Carlos Castaneda's books were about his education as a master wizard of Thelema

That is to say

As a master con artist who could deceive anyone anytime anywhere.

Anonymous ID: 0868da Sept. 2, 2020, 8:58 p.m. No.10511433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1504 >>1533



Another MORON who does not listen to what POTUS has said.

The vaccines will be voluntary.

They will be made in the USA

The federal government has effectively siezed control of the pharma companies vaccine development using HHS and DOD.

The whole process is now being scrutinized and supervised

Anonymous ID: 0868da Sept. 2, 2020, 9:01 p.m. No.10511465   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Neoplatonism is the philosophy of all the medieval occult writers.

Plato was Greek and the first neoplatonists were also Greek.

The Roman empire became Greek.

All they kept was the name Rom while they spoke Greek and built a capital in the Greek town of Byzantium.

Anonymous ID: 0868da Sept. 2, 2020, 9:04 p.m. No.10511490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1561


>church of illumination at beverly hall


Not at all. They are the opposite of Thelema.


Personal Responsibility


Divine Law is about personal responsibility. Divine Law is not a law of judgment, for in the use of energy there is no judgment implied. It is not about retribution or punishment. It’s not about feeling guilty.


If something is amiss in your life, you are obligated to put it in order. Although some may balk at this law, frankly, this is the way of spiritual adulthood. This is one of the reasons we come to this earth. We are working to clean up all the energy that we have negatively sent out in the past.


When we are born, we have also birthed within us the feelings from past lifetimes, including those that need changing. When we become more conscious of our feelings and actions, we become aware of the energy within us that needs changing. When we are prepared to make this change, we can mindfully shift that energy into a more uplifting action, sending it out with a more positive energetic response.




During our lifetime we manifest situations that give us opportunities to transform, or transmute, energy. For instance, if we need to learn a better way to deal with anger, then anger will continue to dominate our life until we successfully transform the negative charge by meeting this anger with understanding and love.


Once we have accomplished this shift in our response and no longer have an attachment to anger, karma in that area is cleared. This is why the same things keep happening to us over and over again: we are given many opportunities to transmute our feelings and actions into higher vibrations.


All situations in our life are manifested with this intent. By transforming lower energies into more beneficial ones, we clear up karma and at the same time help to make this world a better place for all.