Anonymous ID: 1e8016 Sept. 2, 2020, 8:28 p.m. No.10511191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1199 >>1209 >>1211 >>1243 >>1247 >>1287 >>1323 >>1349 >>1433 >>1478

>>10508541 President Trump. I love you, but, listen up. YOU can NOT let this happen. IT WILL be civil war. Lets not go there.


>CDC tells states to be ready to distribute potential COVID-19 vaccine by Nov. 1


YOU better get in front of this, and fast.


THIS vaccine forced upon the population is totally unacceptable. TOTALLY. And if forced upon the populations, (who are threatened with loss of their jobs for refusing it) will end in violence that will make Antifa look like a walk in the park.


Being an employee is ONE thing.


It might include a policy (not law) requiring a uniform etc.


NEVER does it allow a corporation to permanently alter a person bodily. They do NOT get to make permanent changes to your body, as if you are a slave that they own. PERIOD. ESPECIALLY NOT FOR PROFITS SAKE and by CORPORATE POLICY.

They TRIED to do this in the 90's.


Corporations are NOTHING but fictitious people.

Remember that.

As a person I have NO right to march over to my neighbor and tell him I get to inject him with whatever I think is best, against his will.

I do not get to claim that right because my neighbor mows my lawn or works for me. Employment is NOT OWNERSHIP of a SLAVE.

What. They get to tattoo us next?

Perhaps they claim the right to force us to tattoo their LOGOS on our foreheads????

They would BRAND us like CATTLE?????


A permanent change to the bodies immune system without consent of the person is still a permanent change. DO NOT allow corporations to turn our first responders, nurses, doctors into "chattel"... legal term for a THING, OWNED.

Talk about reinstating SLAVERY.


People do not have this power to force a tattoo, a branding, a vaccine or any other PERMANENT bodily change on another against their will. NEVER.

This is battery.

It is a CRIME.


When the government behaves like a criminal, it WILL be treated like one.

Same with corporations... of ANY KIND.


Any hospital administrators who attempt to force this on their employees need to be sued for physical battery by persons refusing the shot, and threatened with the loss of their jobs because of it.

Go after their homes anons.


Sue any school boards for practicing medicine without a license.



Sue the bastards personally, all of them.

Sue every damn person who threatens you with a needles full of God knows what. Every damn one. Go after their homes. Go after their bank accounts in civil law suits. Go after the Governors, the Mayors, and yes, if they EVER got stupid enough to try to use the military, get your guns.

The answer here is a DEAD STOP NO.


I'll die on this one.

BIG LINE. Willing to go to my maker on it.

If I feel this way, can imagine MANY DO, since I would NEVER pick up a gun over a political issue.

I would call this a matter of self defense.

Corporations are not allowed to BRAND employees like they own them. WE the PEOPLE are NOT the property of the US government or ANY GOVERNMENT.

We are NOT the property of the corporations we work for. NOT.


Tell the UN to take a fucking hike, or figure on being shoved into the ocean.

Because people have the right to QUIT, change jobs and have the right to decide what permanent changes are made to their bodies. Slavery and ownership of the body of another person for the sake of using them for profit is against the law.


I Hope the nations governors are listening.

Antifa is a joke compared to this.

I am a person who would NEVER pick up a gun over a political issue.

This is NOT a political issue.

I KNOW that any attempt to send the military around to force this vaccine on people because they work for some "medical" company will cause our medical and first responders to quit their jobs.

Any attempt to send people door to door will end in the death of the people sent.

There is a line that can not be crossed.


The "SHOT" heard around the world?????


>CDC tells states to be ready to distribute potential COVID-19 vaccine by Nov. 1










Anonymous ID: 1e8016 Sept. 2, 2020, 8:34 p.m. No.10511243   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You three are probably too young to remember the last time this was tried. They WILL try to force vaccines on the population again.

It happened in the 90's.

Back then, people were pissed, quit their jobs, and the ones who could not quit, many MANY got sick from the shots.

It was so bad, (((they ))) had to quit attacking the public with their mandatory vaccines.

This is and the autism is what began the serious civilian research into the vaccine programs. People went through quite a scare, and so many were injured.

So, I am usually pretty cheery, but, anons, sometimes you have to shoot BEFORE you see the whites of their eyes… especially when you have already lived through the "play book" once.

Anonymous ID: 1e8016 Sept. 2, 2020, 8:47 p.m. No.10511349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1363




>> (You) Not only mandatory shots are unacceptable. This crap should not even be out there offered to the gullible. An existential issue.


YES!!!!!! Absolutely. Back last time they tried this on the US population, it was really bad, but, the autism rate was one in 175. NOW it is one in 36. They are absolutely planning to get themselves into a legal situation where they have the right to inject us with whatever.

It will not kill us at first… not all of us.

But once we allow the legal precident to happen, they WILL use vaccines instead of guns on us.


And do not think the Chinese took the worlds pharmacy corporations to their mainland for nothing. This is PART of THEIR plan.

Anonymous ID: 1e8016 Sept. 2, 2020, 8:57 p.m. No.10511421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1455


>How do hospitals get away with force flu vaccines?

>Why can't folks sue after rufusal and job loss?

>what is the US code on this?


They can not force it. Like I said. It would be a crime called battery.


What they do to hospital personell is give them the option of wearing a mask all day every day instead. At least this is the case for my spouse who works at an Ohio hospital.


As we all know by now, masks are extremely uncomfortable, and yes, you are basically breathing through what becomes a nest of nasty microbes after a few hours.

Docs and surgical nurses take them off as soon as they can, for health reasons. Walk into a hospital before covid, and you will never see a surgeon come out and talk to you through a mask.

But, they tell employees that they must either get the flu shot, or, in the alternative, wear a mask constantly.


NONE of it is state law, or federal law.

All of it is hospital POLICY, which needs to be challenged.

And we literally need to stop ALL corporations, government organizations, and schools from trying to make literal bodily slaves out of us.

It is the only legal argument I can think of at the moment, and the only LAW I know of for sure that addresses it is the Constitution.


We need to set a legal precedent here that the right to liberty includes the right to be free from bodily ownership by governments or corporations under color of LAW or…. even "color of POLICY".


They may be able to make you temporarily wear a red hat or black shoes. But NO one should ever be able to take your body and force permanent changes on it, no matter what.

No permanent tattoos.

No requirements for circumcision.

No permanent changes to the immune system etc.

in short… no SLAVERY.

Anonymous ID: 1e8016 Sept. 2, 2020, 9:03 p.m. No.10511478   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>Pretty sure potus said it will not be mandatory





>Doesn't mean states and workplaces WONT.



The feds never attempted to make the shots mandatory last time. The corporations and states did it. The FEDS just sat back and watched. It was the TEST case, I believe.

Now, I think we may be up against the final push. They WILL use corporate policy to try to enforce this, especially on the doctors and nurses.

They will target the docs, and censor them permanently, not just on the net. Dont think they wont.

Anonymous ID: 1e8016 Sept. 2, 2020, 9:10 p.m. No.10511533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1568 >>1570 >>1572


It is not POTUS I am worried about.

I think POTUS is painfully aware of what these shots can do. Even the good ones can be VERY harmful to certain people, so the decision has to be made by doctors, one on one, not by corporate policy.

I do not think POTUS will force this.

But I DO KNOW that corporations will TRY to claim they have the right to require it for employment, like drug testing etc.

So, in order to STOP what has already been attempted once before by coroprate hospitals and MANY other infiltrated workplaces, I am asking POTUS to create a precedent, an Executive order, SOMETHING that will make it clear that the threat of a loss of your JOB can not be used to force the inoculation.

I am also telling people who are threatened like this to sue the hell out of (((them))) for battery, practicing medicine without a license, "color of law" violations, whatever tools and laws we have, the strongest of which is the anti slavery law…. actually.