Anonymous ID: 8522d1 Sept. 3, 2020, 3:17 a.m. No.10513257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3266 >>3270 >>3274 >>3743


Hello D2L, dis frb.

Ghosted last bred 'bout 4 hours ago.

Up to stretch a while. How u?



'mornin' wakes, scrolled down lookin' for ya.

covfefe fin yet?

>a good thursday to all

yep, it's bakin' class day - looks like we're doin' another rally during class, kek.


from lb:

>QAnon believes world is ruled by satan-worshiping elite paedophiles

always the same exact phrase

most lurid way possible to describe Q / Q followers

and always the same

politico still calling us a domestic terrorist org

What BS

I'm in the process of resurrecting all the Global notable caps and info that refutes that claim before it runs off the Catalog

create an up-to-date summary post

will works on that right now
