Anonymous ID: d95e10 Sept. 3, 2020, 4:33 a.m. No.10513519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3543

E. @ETheFriend · 10h

CENTRA Technology Inc. is actually an arm of the CIA, designed to give them access to levels of classified information they would not normally have.


Knowing this is extremely important going forward.

Kindly RT.

Anonymous ID: d95e10 Sept. 3, 2020, 4:39 a.m. No.10513538   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Great Awakening is not about whether you are part of the QAnon movement and wear Q T-shirts.


It is about whether or not you wake up and see reality as it really is in all its filth and corruption and start to take RESPONSIBILITY for you life by STANDING UP against those who want to enslave you.


If We The People are not out in the streets protesting then the Great Awakening HAS NOT YET HAPPENED. You'll know it has happened when Antifa and BLM areOVERWHELMINGLY OUTNUMBEREDon the streets.

Anonymous ID: d95e10 Sept. 3, 2020, 4:58 a.m. No.10513600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3647


The Venetian Takeover of England:

A 200-Year Project


It was one of the most well-known secrets'' of the British oligarchy, that the model for the British Empire was Venice. Benjamin Disraeli, the late-nineteenth-century prime minister of England, let the cat out of the bag in his novel Coningsby when he wrote,The great object of Whig leaders in England from the first movement under Hampden to the last most successful one in 1688, was to establish in England a high aristocratic republic on the model of the Venetian…. William the Third told … Whig leaders, `I will not be a doge.'… They brought in a new family on their own terms. George I was a doge; George II was a doge…. George III tried not to be a doge…. He might try to get rid of the Whig Magnificoes, but he could not rid himself of the Venetian constitution.'' The well-known secret of all the Whig insiders was that the Venetian takeover of England was a 200-year project beginning with the break of Henry VIII with Rome and concluding in 1714, with the accession to the throne of George I.

What Disraeli was publicly referring to was that in 1688, for the first time, a non-hereditary king, William of Orange (William the Third), was invited to rule by a group of noble families. This was a decisive break with previous English history. For the first time, you had a king beholden to the English oligarchy, though William was not particularly happy about his power being circumscribed.


The English parliamentary system of government was modeled explicitly on the Venetian system of a Great Assembly and Senate that controls the doge. England officially in 1688 became an oligarchy.


This formality was merely the tip of the iceberg. The Venetian takeover of England had been nearly a 200-year project, proceeding in two phases. The first began in the 1530s under Henry VIII with the break from Rome engineered by Thomas Cromwell. The later, more radical, phase was the takeover of England by the Giovani (``the young ones'') of Paolo Sarpi, beginning 70 years later.


What was Venice?

The best way to understand the evil of Venice is to look at the great poets' portrayal of the unbelievable duplicity that Venice represented: portrayals by Marlowe in The Jew of Malta, and by Shakespeare in The Merchant of Venice and especially in Othello, the Moor of Venice. The quintessential Venetian is Iago. Yet the most brilliant portrait of Venetian method was done by Friedrich Schiller in his The Ghostseer.


You can never understand Venice by studying what positions the Venetians took on an issue. The Venetians did not care what position they took. They always took all positions. Their method was one of looking for the weak point and corrupting the person. At this form of evil, they were the masters. Their diplomatic corps was the best in the world at the time, and the British diplomatic corps was trained by the Venetians.


The year is 1509. The League of Cambrai, representing the total combined power of western Europe, is called upon by the papacy to crush Venice. At the Battle of Agnadello, the Venetian forces are completely destroyed. France is poised to invade the very islands that comprise Venice to deliver the coup de grace. The papacy relents, fearing a war that will be fought on Italian soil by foreign troops. Several times before, such troops had seized parts of Italy. In a series of diplomatic moves, the alliance falls apart, and, miraculously, Venice is saved.


Venice, which worked with the Turks to create a republic of usury and slavery; Venice, the slave trader of Europe, so close to being destroyed, survived. Its survival would now wreak havoc on western civilization.


Modern history commences with Nicolaus of Cusa and the Council of Florence, and the Italian Renaissance that Cusa and his collaborators inspired. It was Cusa, with the help of Pius II, who created the basis for a war on the pagan idea of man as a beast, and to defend the concept of man as imago Dei and capax Dei. It was the power of these ideas which caused the greatest increase in human population in the history of man. This idea of the power of hypothesis and its relationship to transforming nature proved conclusively that man was fundamentally different from the beast, and as such could not be used as a slave. Venice reacted wildly against the ascendancy of this idea. With the papacy in the firm grip of Pius II and Cusa, Venice launched a war to destroy Christianity.

Anonymous ID: d95e10 Sept. 3, 2020, 5:07 a.m. No.10513626   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Save the inhaler steroids for when you have respiratory symptoms.

When a cold turns into pneumonia, that is because of a cytokine storm in the respiratory tissues. That is the point where you want to use a steroidal anti-inflammatory or a corticosteroid, to stop the cytokine storm and roll back its effects. This keeps you alive and gives your immune system time to fight off the cold virus. Staying alive when you have a cold, is all a question of timing. If you roll back the cytokine storm then blood clotting should never become an issue, however, in the MATH+ Protocol they use some heparin just in case.


For normal people, it is not a bad idea to take aspirin (meaning no ibuprofen) when a cold gets into your lungs. A bit tricky because ibuprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory is a good thing to take early in the progression of the cold.

Anonymous ID: d95e10 Sept. 3, 2020, 5:55 a.m. No.10513827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3829 >>3845



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It is important to understand the whys of Nutrition.

Read more.