x[n+1] = rxn
z[n+1] = z[n]^2 + c
Anons did a study and found these researchers' psychology is linked to projection of sociopathic traits.
The Founders were DEISTS, not Christians.
It does not follow from anon making an error that the Founders were "comped".
You're "comped" for making the absurdly insane claim that only those groups you listed are "real" people. That's how Leftist Communist Dictators think.
The Founders believed in God.
The Founders rejected co-mingling of religion with states.
The Founders trusted HUMAN REASON as a gift from God as the tool needed to understand reality.
False. Neither the original Constitution nor any of the subsequent amendments are in any sense a 'granting' of any rights.
They are in fact LIMITS ON GOVERNMENT POWER predicated on all rights being INALIENABLE.
You're just pushing a leftist totalitarian vision of constitutional law that presumes governments are Gods who 'grant' the serfs rights as if a whim.
You don't know the identities of any anon.
>Don't need to
Yes you do if you're going to be making assertions about WHO is here and WHEN, as you did.