Anonymous ID: 806c1b Sept. 3, 2020, 7:05 a.m. No.10514416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4457

Inside the Project: DeepGreen Strategic Planning Workshop


Deep-Sea Exploration for Energy Innovation

Earlier this summer we had the opportunity to support the DeepGreen team in planning and facilitating a 3-day workshop in San Diego. The meeting provided space for DeepGreen technical staff and contractors, who are located around the world, to come together and take the initial steps for conducting an environmental impact assessment (EIA), as required by international regulations for seabed mining.


For those of you who aren’t up-to-date on the ins and outs of international deep seabed polymetallic nodule harvesting and permitting (like us before this project), a little context may be helpful. Today’s technology and tomorrow’s energy grid rely on sophisticated batteries, which contain metals such as cobalt, nickel, copper, and manganese. Traditional mining of these metals is problematic – pollution and habitat destruction are just two of the impacts – and readily-accessible reserves on land are running low. It turns out that these metals can also be harvested from the ocean floor, in the form of polymetallic nodules (a fancy way of describing a mineral-dense rock, sometimes also called manganese nodules.)


Deep-sea deposits of polymetallic nodules occur in international waters, the jurisdiction of which can be both ambiguous and complex, slowing the pace of exploration and extraction. Deep seabed mining operations are regulated by the United Nations International Seabed Authority (ISA.) The ISA is mandated to develop the industry while protecting the environment. To meet these permitting requirements, companies like DeepGreen must complete an EIA process which includes extensive initial studies and ongoing monitoring to ensure “no serious harm” to the ecosystem (including physical, chemical, and biological components of the seafloor and water column) during extraction of the nodules. Now, back to our story.


Strategic Earth was brought in to support the design and implementation of a thoughtfully planned, efficiently run, and expertly facilitated meeting. The workshop brought together DeepGreen’s staff and delivery partners – including scientists, technical experts, and a representative from the Republic of Nauru, the Pacific island nation where seabed harvesting is slated to take place – to begin developing DeepGreen’s EIA strategy and associated work plan. This first meeting focused on orienting DeepGreen staff to the best available scientific information and processes for developing an EIA and was the first of a series of planning discussions. We understand that DeepGreen will broaden engagement to involve stakeholders in the near future to uphold their commitment to transparency and open information exchange.


Working with DeepGreen to support this first workshop was a stimulating change of pace, as we frequently work in the State marine issues realm. We were honored to assist this group in their strategic planning and for the opportunity to provide neutral facilitation to support a dynamic discussion. We look forward to DeepGreen’s efforts to engage in a broad conversation with diverse audiences to inform their pursuit of harvesting deep-sea polymetallic nodules to support clean technology, human rights, and the sustainability of our planet. We are grateful for the opportunity to apply our science-policy-stakeholder interface expertise to the frontier of deep-sea resource management and to work with DeepGreen’s inspired staff.

Anonymous ID: 806c1b Sept. 3, 2020, 7:20 a.m. No.10514545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4582

Ever wonder how the Cabal manages to kill so many people and make it look like an accident?

Don't you think that the hitmen who do this work would need a lot of training and practice to get it right?

If that is the case, then could there actually be a BUSINESS in which the Cabal can MAKE A PROFIT by killing people in this way?

There is!

Life Insurance pays the beneficiaries when a person dies from an accident

We always assume that the beneficiaries are always the wife and children, but what if that is not so?

What if you could get signed on as a beneficiary some other way?

By simply being an employer and paying a salary.

Imagine a world in which you don't need to fire people, you just have them die and collect a big check!

Imagine that you offer a loan with the home as collateral, no questions asked.

If you make it so easy to qualify for such a loan, will the recipient of the cash take the time to read all the fine print and see what they are actually signing up to?

Oh dear….

What if the home's value INCREASES and then you suddenly die before paying back the loan. Who gets control of the house? Who decides the real estate company that handles the sale? Who actually owns that real estate company? Who owns the funeral home that offers their services to the family of the deceased as part of the loan/mortgage package?


I'm sure the budding con artists in the crowd can think of a few other ways to make some money when people just happen to die by accident.

P.S. this does not just happen in the USA, it has been going on in the UK for a long time as well, and that is where the art was perfected.

Satan is pleased with the results.

Anonymous ID: 806c1b Sept. 3, 2020, 7:36 a.m. No.10514670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4684 >>4687 >>4712 >>4827


Towards the end of the Hadean eon

The molten earth, which was hot because rocks kep smashing into it and making it bigger

Started to form a crust

But then the mother of all BANGs happened. A MOAB?

When Venus struck a glancing blow

And ripped off lots of stuff.

The stuff fell down again somewhere,

A big chunk forming the moon,

And then meteors splattering the moon, Mars, Venus and Earth

As the Archaean eon began, water vapor

Formed clouds blocking solar heat

Which gave the molten earth a chance to form a crust of rocks

Which still exist today

The ocean that began to form as it cooled

Had lots of iron dissolved in it

As well as related metals like Vanadium

Over time these minerals were subsumed into the crust

Which by that time was undergoing plate tectonic motions

The atmosphere which was originally rock vapor,

Had settled down to mostly being CO2

As time went on, this CO2 was also subsumed into the crust

And the waters of the ocean began to collect salt from the hydrologic cycle.


But wait!!!

Iron and Vanadium are catalysts

In their presence, CO2 and H2O will form Methane, CH4, the fundamental constituent of Petroleum

And so it was.

The planet naturally made hydrocarbons, and the gaseous ones percolated up through the cracks in the rock

Until they got stuck under folds of impervious rocks

Over time they aggregated into longer chains of crude oil

Which dribbled down the cracks

To a layer with enough heat for CRACKING

Not the rock kind, but the kind that turns crude oil into natural gas.

The Hydrocarbon cycle for want of a better name.


And let's not forget what happened when the crust was still warm

The atmosphere was still CO2

And icy snowball comets brought molecules manufactured when they melted in the solar heat.

Like Ribose

The sugar which forms the polysaccharide spiral spine of RNA

And its cousin with one less oxygen molecule


Etc. etc. etc.

Anonymous ID: 806c1b Sept. 3, 2020, 7:39 a.m. No.10514687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4713


Deep‐seated abiogenic origin of petroleum: From geological assessment to physical theory



[1] The theory of the abyssal abiogenic origin of petroleum is a significant part of the modern scientific theories dealing with the formation of hydrocarbons. These theories include the identification of natural hydrocarbon systems, the physical processes leading to their terrestrial concentration, and the dynamic processes controlling the migration of that material into geological reservoirs of petroleum. The theory of the abyssal abiogenic origin of petroleum recognizes that natural gas and petroleum are primordial materials of deep origin which have migrated into the Earth's crust. Experimental results and geological investigations presented in this article convincingly confirm the main postulates of the theory and allow us to reexamine the structure, size, and locality distributions of the world's hydrocarbon reserves.



[2] The main goal of this article is to summarize the conclusions of modern petroleum science dealing with the generation, structure, size, and location of the world oil and gas potential resources and to provide convincing arguments from both laboratory experiments and geological data supporting the theory of the abyssal abiogenic origin of petroleum. This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the principles of the theory of the abyssal abiogenic origin of petroleum, including the possibility of hydrocarbon generation in mantle conditions as confirmed by distribution characteristic of petroleum and by experimental results obtained. Section 3 provides evidence contradicting the lateral migration of oil and gas at their deposit formation. Sections 4–14 give geological data (structure, size, and location of the world's hydrocarbon reserves) which cannot be explained by the biotic hypothesis of petroleum origin but can be explained by the theory of the abyssal abiogenic origin of petroleum. In section 15, considerations regarding the petroleum potential of the Earth's mantle are presented confirming the inexhaustible nature of the hydrocarbon resources of our planet.

Anonymous ID: 806c1b Sept. 3, 2020, 7:43 a.m. No.10514712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4726 >>4740 >>4743


First Detection of Sugars in Meteorites Gives Clues to Origin of Life


An international team has found sugars essential to life in meteorites. The new discovery adds to the growing list of biologically important compounds that have been found in meteorites, supporting the hypothesis that chemical reactions in asteroids – the parent bodies of many meteorites – can make some of life’s ingredients. If correct, meteorite bombardment on ancient Earth may have assisted the origin of life with a supply of life’s building blocks.


The team discovered ribose and other bio-essential sugars including arabinose and xylose in two different meteorites that are rich in carbon, NWA 801 (type CR2) and Murchison (type CM2). Ribose is a crucial component of RNA (ribonucleic acid). In much of modern life, RNA serves as a messenger molecule, copying genetic instructions from the DNA molecule (deoxyribonucleic acid) and delivering them to molecular factories within the cell called ribosomes that read the RNA to build specific proteins needed to carry out life processes.


“Other important building blocks of life have been found in meteorites previously, including amino acids (components of proteins) and nucleobases (components of DNA and RNA), but sugars have been a missing piece among the major building blocks of life,” said Yoshihiro Furukawa of Tohoku University, Japan, lead author of the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences November 18. “The research provides the first direct evidence of ribose in space and the delivery of the sugar to Earth. The extraterrestrial sugar might have contributed to the formation of RNA on the prebiotic Earth which possibly led to the origin of life.”

Anonymous ID: 806c1b Sept. 3, 2020, 7:45 a.m. No.10514740   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Scientists say the 'R' in RNA may be abundant in space


New research suggests that the sugar ribose - the "R" in RNA - is probably found in comets and asteroids that zip through the solar system and may be more abundant throughout the universe than was previously thought.


The finding has implications not just for the study of the origins of life on Earth, but also for understanding how much life there might be beyond our planet.


Scientists already knew that several of the molecules necessary for life including amino acids, nucleobases and others can be made from the interaction of cometary ices and space radiation. But ribose, which makes up the backbone of the RNA molecule, had been elusive - until now.


The new work, published Thursday in Science, fills in another piece of the puzzle, said Andrew Mattioda, an astrochemist at NASA Ames Research Center, who was not involved with the study.


"If all these molecules that are necessary for life are everywhere out in space, the case gets a lot better that you'll find life outside of Earth," he said.


RNA, which stands for ribonucleic acid, is one of the three macromolecules that are necessary for all life on Earth - the other two are DNA and proteins.


Many scientists believe that RNA is a more ancient molecule than DNA and that before DNA came on the scene, an "RNA world" existed on Earth. However, ribose, a key component in RNA, only forms under specific conditions, and scientists say those conditions were not present on our planet before life evolved. So, where did the ribose in the first RNA strands come from?


To see if these molecules could have been delivered to Earth by asteroids and comets, a team of researchers re-created the conditions of the early solar system in a French lab to see whether ribose could easily be made in space.


They started with water, methanol and ammonia because these molecules were abundant in the protoplanetary disk that formed around the sun at the dawn of the solar system, and are also abundant in gas clouds throughout the universe. They were put in a vacuum and then cooled to a cryogenic temperature of 80 degrees kelvin (minus-328 degrees Fahrenheit).


The resulting ices were then heated to room temperature, which caused the volatile molecules to sublimate, leaving a thin film of material.


"The simulation is of cometary ices only, not cometary dust grains," said Uwe Meierhenrich, a chemist at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis in France and one of the authors of the study.


The experiment took about six days to complete and yielded just 100 micrograms of the artificial cometary ice residue in the lab.


Artificial cometary ices have been created hundreds of times before in labs around the world, but until now researchers have not had the tools to detect sugars such as ribose in the samples.


Cornelia Meinert, also of the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, explained that it's not just sugar and sugar-related molecules that are created in these experiments, but also amino acids, carboxylic acids and alcohols.


"We are confronted with a very complex sample containing a huge diversity of molecules," she said. "The identification of individual compounds is therefore very difficult."


Meinert said it wasn't until the group was able to use a new technique called multidimensional gas chromatography that they were able to detect ribose in these samples at all.


The researchers say that the ice samples they made in the lab could easily be made in other parts of the solar system.


"Our ice simulation is a very general process that can occur in molecular clouds as well as in protoplanetary disks," Meinert said. "It shows that the molecular building blocks of the potentially first genetic material are abundant in interstellar environments."


Scott Sandford, an astrochemist who has done similar work with cometary ices at NASA Ames Research Center, said adding sugars to the list of molecules that can be forged in space is an important step in understanding what building blocks of life may be available to foster life in other worlds.


"Insofar as these materials play a role in getting life started on planets, the odds are good that they'll be present to help," he said.

Anonymous ID: 806c1b Sept. 3, 2020, 7:53 a.m. No.10514807   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Because charged hydrogen and plasma scoured oxygen is not terribly picky about which rock it sticks too. Before the planets swept the solar system clean of rocks/meteorites, there were lots of them floating around.


Anyone who says that all water came from meteorites has not grasped how planets form by bits of stuff colliding together. Call the bits meteorites if you want to, but all a planet is comes from those bits of stuff colliding.