Dear Abby: Children playing outside, sans clothing, concerns neighbors
Today 12:08 AM
By Abigail Van Buren
DEAR ABBY: At what age is it no longer appropriate for children to play naked while outside in their yard?
We are a childless couple in our 60s who live in a suburban neighborhood in the Northeast. A new couple moved here with their children, a boy and a girl, who appear to be about 5 and 8 years old. Both of them often are naked while playing in their yard. This happens in all kinds of weather, not just when it’s extremely hot.
We all have fairly large yards, but none of the yards in the neighborhood are private. Neighbors on both sides of this family and anyone walking up or down the street can see the children. We are not prudes, but this happens frequently, and it makes us uncomfortable. Is it time for us to move? – AVERTING MY EYES
DEAR AVERTING: Five- and 8-year-olds are too old to be naked in public.
Pay a visit to your new neighbors’ house and introduce yourself. Ask why the kids play outside with no clothes on. Gauge what you learn, and if you suspect neglect or abuse, report it to Child Protective Services.