Anonymous ID: 70b5db Sept. 3, 2020, 10:29 a.m. No.10516019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6050 >>6181





Montgomery also contends that thegovernment can plant files such as child pornography or state secrets on a target’s computer, setting up the owner of that device for blackmail or framed prosecution.


Former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson alleged in 2013 she was under electronic surveillance for at least two years and that three classified documents were planted on her “compromised” computer.


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Anonymous ID: 70b5db Sept. 3, 2020, 10:47 a.m. No.10516181   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Aug 29 2020



All this information is in the 2018 IG report. Names are redacted.



Arpaio was the county sheriff from 1993 to 2017. Beginning in 2005, he became the face of a crackdown on illegal immigration long before Trump took up the torch. The media frequently ran stories on his exploits such as establishing tent city jails for the overflow from county jail and providing prisoners with pink jumpsuits.


He was also accused of racially profiling Latinos in his efforts to crack down on illegal immigration. In 2007, Sheriff’s officers stopped and detained for nine hours Manuel Melendres, a Mexican tourist. Melendres then sued Arpaio and the MCSO claiming racial profiling.


The case eventually ended up before Judge G. Murray Snow. The disposition of the case took some winding turns through the courts but eventually Arpaio was found guilty of contempt in July 2017 and was pardoned by Trump the following month.


Just as Obama was up for reelection in 2012, so too was Arpaio for another four year term as sheriff. Businessman Donald Trump had toyed with the idea of a presidential run in 2012 and in the lead up to the primary season, Trump had rekindled the rumor that Obama was not born in the United States- the so-called birther controversy. Obama eventually released a copy of the long form of his birth certificate seemingly putting the controversy to rest.


Arpaio had contracted with a group called the Cold Case Posse (CCP) which was a repossession organization led by Mike Zullo. Unsatisfied with the long firm certificate, Arpaio tasked the CCP with investigating its authenticity and he dispatched the CCP to Hawaii along with a MCSO detective, Brian Mackiewicz, and Sergeant Travis Anglin.


Investigations by local journalists into the machinations of the sheriff’s office and the investigation of the Obama birth certificate eventually discovered that Arpaio’s office had hired a confidential informant who entered the scene in a roundabout way. The informant hailed from Seattle and the journalists discovered that both Mackiewicz and Anglin were repeatedly making trips to Seattle. It was later determined that the informant wasDennis Montgomery.


Zullo, Mackiewicz, and Montgomery, in an effort to verify the authenticity of the information, contacted Thomas Drake, J. Kirke Wiebe, and William Binney.


In November 2014, Wiebe and Drake signed a legal affidavit stating that the information on the thumb drives could not possibly come from the clandestine collection and processing of modern network communications and was instead most likely a fraud “perpetrated for personal gain” on the part of Montgomery. Binney did not sign the report and later told reporters that the information included images of bank checks and the only way to get those images would be to hack into a bank’s computers.


In 2015, (FISC, Judge Royce) Lamberth finalized two immunity agreements for Montgomery. The agreement was signed by Montgomery, Klayman, DOJ assistant attorney Deborah Curtis, and FBI general counsel James Baker. One agreement was for testimony and the other was for the production of evidence.


As for the testimony, Montgomery agreed to be interviewed under oath by FBI agents. This took place and the interviews were conducted by FBI special agents Walter Giardina and William Barnett.


…Montgomery claimed that both James Clapper and John Brennan had been collecting this information for “leverage” and possible “blackmail.”