>No one cares
Just like Portland!
Why not, warroom is getting notabled, soon abculmnop will as well, then everyone will have names then we turn into freerepublic
>Anons, you are better than this
Obviously not, its notable
Speak for yourself or be made into a fool who deals in propaganda.
>>>>10513935 Warroom Weekend Operation #GOVOTE
ITS NOTABLE BABY! Hell yeah, even if you work against us! Even if you try and take from us! NOTABLE!
>The irony in that statement alone douchebag
This will be fun. Do tell, what was ironic about it?
>not wasting muh time with you.
>see ya! wouldn't want ta be ya
Always fun calling dumb fucks like you out! Have a blessed day.
>Don't need to, you'll out yourself before tonight.
Because you cant. Just as I knew, because I said nothing that was not true.
>The post got into notes despite your baggage.
It was in before that. But its ok that you did nothing to educate yourself on the conversation that was had in the first place. But still,what is it that I said that was wrong?
>you're the only one crying. see you at the meeting.
How will you know? Are you not going to be anon? Or are you the faggot comped baker who put it into notables in the first place?
>kek… See you at the meeting.
Only at your best when you can have a name eh? Yeah it figures. About as valuable as what you said was wrong in my statement.
>don't need a fag tag when you have evidence that speaks for itself.
Well then you are in a heap of shit, because you have none. Nothing but a false accusation.
>kek, keep telling yourself that. See you tonight.
But but but it was you who was supposed to be doing the telling, right? I mean thats why you enjoined this conversation that you were originally had no part in, right? Now nothing to say at all.
>Tonight. Screenshots and descriptions. Enjoy the rest of your day.
You can describe to your hearts content. Thing is, I said nothing wrong, which you know because if I had, you would have said it.
>t-then why are you worried enough t-to keep responding?
Not at all, in fact, till you started flapping your lips, I had said nothing in quite some time.
>t-then why are you worried enough t-to keep responding?
Truth is a real nightmare for you innit?