Anonymous ID: 99fb81 Sept. 3, 2020, 1:35 p.m. No.10517961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7991

Hedge Fund Manager Arrested For Fraud & Extortion After Admitting To Witness "Maybe I Should Go To Jail"


After being forced to close his fund, Marble Ridge Capital, after a Jeffries trader and former Navy SEAL reported his dubious conduct to Jeffries General Counsel, who informed the authorities, prompting the trader to record some seriously incriminating and embarrassing phone calls, It looks like Daniel Kamensky is finally in custody.


Prosecutors in New York announced Thursday afternoon that Kamensky had been arrested and charged with securities fraud, obstruction of justice and extortion for allegedly trying to rig a bidding process involving bankrupt Neiman Marcus as Marble Ridge bid to supply the floundering retailer with a high interest loan.


The news was expected. Just last week, in a Houston courtroom, lawyers for Neiman Marcus pressed a judge to order Marble Ridge to pay out more than $50 million into an escrow account so that Neiman could collect the money promised from the firm before Marble Ridge dissolves.


More than a week ago, we reported the salacious story of Kamensky's downfall. Joe Femenia, the head of distressed-debt trading at Jefferies Financial Group, is the man who, per court filings, taped conversations that brought down Kamensky and his hedge fund down. The proverbial crap hit the fan after Kamensky urged Femenia to not submit a bid for part of the bankrupt retailer, nicknamed "Needless Markups".


Legal filings show Kamensky telling Femenia to "Stand DOWN". Probably not a bright thing to say to a Navy SEAL…


When Kamensky realized that he had made a "grave mistake", and tried to fix things, he only made things worse for himself.


By the time Kamensky urged Femenia, on a second phone call, to "treat the conversation off the books" and to "change his recollection" of how their first call went, Fermenia was recording.


In one, Kamensky pleaded: “[I]f you’re going to continue to tell them what you just told me, I’m going to jail, OK? Because they’re going to say that I abused my position as a fiduciary, which I probably did, right? Maybe I should go to jail. But I’m asking you not to put me in jail."


That's not a great look.


The charges were brought by Audrey Strauss, the acting head of the Southern District of New York.

Anonymous ID: 99fb81 Sept. 3, 2020, 1:36 p.m. No.10517986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8398 >>8641

Armstrong: The NY Times Supported Stalin & Communism As The Way To The Future


The New York Times cheered Stalin and constantly reported that this was the way to the future.


Their top journalist, Walter Duranty (1884-1957), was their man in Moscow. The New York Times promoted him to be awarded the Pulitzer Prize for that reporting.


When Gareth Jones (1905-1935) in March 1933 reported this was all a lie, the truth finally began to appear.


It took the New York Times until 1990 to admit to fault in failing to report that there was a famine in Ukraine where Stalin killed so many people.


The New York Times wrote that their reporting on the Russian Revolution constituted “some of the worst reporting to appear in this newspaper.”


Duranty was doing this also to support Roosevelt’s New Deal. He helped install drastic progressiveness in taxation.


In 1932, the top marginal tax rate was increased to 63% during the Great Depression under the Republicans. It steadily increased, finally reaching 94% in 1944 on an income of over $200,000. Under Socialism, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the 1935 Act, which introduced the payroll tax on everyone. However, the Socialists marketed it as the “Soak the Rich” tax, but payroll taxed everyone but the rich who did not work for a wage. Today, the majority of low-income earners pay more in Social Security than they do in taxes.

Anonymous ID: 99fb81 Sept. 3, 2020, 1:40 p.m. No.10518035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8148 >>8398 >>8641

Secret Israeli cyber attack firm Candiru


We all know that Israel is a hub to a lot of IT technology and cybersecurity companies and startups. But can you believe that the region is also home to more than 120 companies which are into nefarious cyber activities?


Well, these findings were revealed by a Tel Aviv based newspaper ‘The Marker’ which was founded in 1999 by journalist turned entrepreneur Guy Rolnik. The news resource operates news daily in Hebrew language and is known to report some sensational news with the cooperation from the International New York Times.


A reliable source from ‘The Marker’ reports that a firm named Candiru offers cyber attacks-as-a-service where people can sell and hire offensive cyber tools for hacking computer networks.


Named after an Amazon fish which has the tendency to get inside the human urethra when a person swims in water bodies, Candiru is known to sell hacking technology for those who want to spy on phones and computers.


Reports are in that they are over 32 such companies operating in the region which make the offensive cyber activity as a big business in Israel. And trade analysts say that it leads to the generation of $2 billion sales a year from this sole business segment alone.


Cyber Intelligence firm NSO and several other companies from Saudi Arabia and Mexico happen to be the regular customers of the said company as they are found to be using the service tools to spy and crack down their adversaries.


Sources reporting to Cybersecurity Insiders say that Candiru’s sales policy is typical as it doesn’t sell its services to some nations such as Africa, Australia, and the United States. It only has customers from Western Europe and Asia and is adamant on its decision to sell equipment to those based in Israel.


However, TheMarker Claims that NSO is also a customer of Candiru as it is often seen contacting the surreptitious firm for some espionage-related projects. However, the spokesperson of the government based intelligence firm refuses to go on record on the issue.


Like Candiru, FinFisher is also a cyber firm which sells attack tools on the dark web. Both the companies do not have any directories on the web and their 120+ employees do not have a social network presence as they are recruited only when they sign a strict confidentiality agreement.


NOTE 1- Precisely speaking, NSO Group is a government-funded cybersecurity firm based in Herzliya, Israel. The company’s objective is to provide authorized governments cyber tools to help them combat terror and online crime. Pegasus software, a spying software is said to be a brainchild of this firm.


NOTE 2- All the workforce required to carry out the company operations are being recruited from Israel Defense Forces 8200 Intelligence Unit and are reportedly getting a pay of 80,000 shekels or $21,000 as a fixed salary.


NOTE 3-Probably its high time for FBI to make a note of such companies and start keeping a tab on their activities and services being offered to Asian countries.


Meet Candiru — The Mysterious Mercenaries Hacking Apple And Microsoft PCs For Profit

Smashing Windows


Candiru’s speciality, hacking Microsoft Windows for nation-state intelligence agencies, is one key revenue stream. And one of those Candiru customers is almost certainly Uzbekistan, according to Brian Bartholomew, a researcher at Russian cybersecurity company Kaspersky Lab. He claimed that a lapse in an Uzbekistan intelligence agency’s operational security allowed him to link multiple Windows vulnerabilities used in Uzbek attacks back to Candiru and two other customers: Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E.


Israel’s secret cyber firm ‘Candiru’, its services in the dark web from spying phones to computers & customers


NSO Group

NSO's founders are ex-members of Unit 8200, the Israeli Intelligence Corps unit responsible for collecting signals intelligence.[9] The company's start-up funding came from a group of investors headed by Eddy Shalev, a partner in venture capital fund Genesis Partners. The group invested a total of $1.8 million for a 30% stake.[16][2

Anonymous ID: 99fb81 Sept. 3, 2020, 1:42 p.m. No.10518056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8152 >>8398 >>8641

Hilton Times Square Set To Close As COVID Kills Hospitality Industry


Hilton Times Square is the latest causality of the virus-induced downturn that has crushed the global hospitality industry.


A filing with the New York State Department of Labor on Aug. 31 said the iconic 478-room hotel situated on 234 West 42nd Street would 'permanently close' on Oct. 1.


WSJ reached out to Sunstone Hotel Investors Inc., the real estate investment trust which manages the hotel for more color on the upcoming closing.


A Sunstone spokesperson responded in an emailed statement by indicating the filing to New York state officials "was not intended to imply that there is a permanent closure."


The spokesperson said the filing was intended to inform state officials that layoffs would be seen in the coming months as a result of the closing, adding that a "definitive reopening date has not been determined or established and will be impacted by negotiations with our lender, as well as market conditions."


Last month, Sunstone revealed in an SEC filing that it had missed several months of mortgage payments on the property. The REIT has at least $77 million mortgages coming due on the property in November. It wrote down the value of the property by $107.9 million, to $61.3 million.


The closure of the hotel is an ominous sign of how the virus pandemic has wrecked not just the New York City hotel market but the worldwide travel industry.


A slow recovery is expected for the worldwide hotel industry, with a full recovery not expected until the midpoint of the decade. Readers may recall as travel and tourism remains in a bust cycle, the next Big Short, or Big Short 3.0, is CMBX 9. This is what we wrote:


… with CMBX 6 now done, keep a close eye on CMBX 9. With its outlier exposure to hotels which have quickly emerged as the most impacted sector from the pandemic, this may well be the next big short.


CMBX 9 has the highest concentration of hotel loans with 16.7%…

Anonymous ID: 99fb81 Sept. 3, 2020, 1:45 p.m. No.10518089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8097 >>8193 >>8398 >>8641

US Dow Plunges 807 Points, Tech Stocks Lead Big Sell-Off


In their biggest plunge since June, US stocks sank on Thursday amid huge selloffs driven by tech giant losses.


At closing bell on Thursday, US stocks had suffered some of their biggest single-day losses in months. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 28,292.73, an 807.77-point loss, and the S&P 500 suffered a 125.78-point loss to close at 3,455.06. Meanwhile, the Nasdaq Composite lost 598.34 points, closing at 11,458.10.


Big losses by tech giants helped drive the stock sell-offs, as Facebook lost more than 4% of its share value, Apple and Microsoft lost nearly 7% each and Amazon and Netflix more than 5% each.


“Someone hit the ‘sell tech, buy dreck’ button and this is creating a bid beneath beleaguered groups, while [tech] gets pummeled,” Adam Crisafulli of Vital Knowledge told CNBC. “For tech specifically, the stocks are seeing large percent declines, but this comes after a massive recent rally. Tech has been untethered from fundamentals for a while and momentum can work in both directions.”


While tech companies have been one of the biggest beneficiaries of the COVID-19 crisis, which caused tens of millions of people to switch to remote working, learning and shopping options, some analysts warned their big boom might be wearing itself out.


“Over the past few months we’ve had really quite a strong recovery, and that has started to stall,” Andrew Hunter, senior US economist at Capital Economics, told the Wall Street Journal.


However, not all economic news was dismal: the US Department of Labor announced on Thursday that about 70,000 fewer unemployment applications than expected had been filed in August - 880,000 instead of 950,000 - but a more widely anticipated jobs report on August is due to be released Friday, which could have an even greater effect on the markets.

Anonymous ID: 99fb81 Sept. 3, 2020, 1:47 p.m. No.10518109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8398 >>8641

Another U.S.-led Coalition Supply Convoy Targeted In Iraq


On August 3 afternoon, another logistical supply convoy of the U.S.-led coalition was targeted in the southern region of Iraq.


“An explosive device blew up targeting an international coalition supply convoy on the international highway linking Dhi Qar and Muthanna,” an Iraqi security source told the UAE-based al-Ain TV.


According to the source, the attack didn’t result in any casualties. The source declined to provide any further details on the attack.


Sabereen News, a Telegram channel close to Iraqi Shiite groups, said the convoy was targeted with an explosive device as well as a hand grenade. The channel also shared a video of the convoy prior to the attack.


This was the third such attack within the last 24 hours. Late on September 2, a supply convoy was targeted in the central province of Babylon. Early on September 3, a Katyusha rocket struck the headquarters of an Iraqi company working for the coalition in Baghdad International Airport.


Iraqi Shiite groups affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps are reportedly behind the recent attacks on the U.S.-led coalition.


Shiite groups vowed to expel the U.S.-led coalition from Iraq following the assassination of Quds Force Commander Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Deputy-Commander of the Popular Mobilization Units, earlier this year.

Anonymous ID: 99fb81 Sept. 3, 2020, 1:58 p.m. No.10518224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8398 >>8641

New Jersey Attorney Charged with Fraudulently Obtaining $9 Million in Loans Meant to Help Small Businesses During COVID-19 Pandemic

Anonymous ID: 99fb81 Sept. 3, 2020, 2:01 p.m. No.10518251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8294 >>8398 >>8641

Participant at Biden Event in Kenosha Spills the Beans – Admits She Was Given a “Paper” Telling Her What to Say


We know that the Biden events are all staged and we now have more evidence.


Today in Kenosha, Wisconsin at a Biden event a woman admitted on camera that she was given a piece of paper telling her what to say:


The Biden team has managed their events by ensuring all comments and questions the former Obama VP is asked are pre-approved, and set up so that Biden can read the respective answers on the teleprompter.


Yesterday we saw this as well and every day for that matter. The media and the Biden team work together as they manufacture events and try to make them look unscripted.


What a train wreck the Democrats have running for President.

Anonymous ID: 99fb81 Sept. 3, 2020, 2:03 p.m. No.10518268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8344

DOJ To File Antitrust Charges Against Google Within Weeks: Report


The Department of Justice will is preparing to slap Google with an antitrust case over the next several weeks, according to the New York Times - which insists, based on five sources, that Attorney General Bill Barr "overruled career lawyers who said they needed more time to build a strong case against one of the world’s wealthiest, most formidable technology companies."


The Times is suggesting, based on leaks, that Barr is rushing the case for political purposes and the charges are premature.


The Google case could also give Mr. Trump and Mr. Barr an election-season achievement on an issue that both Democrats and Republicans see as a major problem: the influence of the biggest tech companies over consumers and the possibility that their business practices have stifled new competitors and hobbled legacy industries like telecom and media. -NYT


Some 40 lawyers working on a DOJ antitrust inquiry into Google parent Alphabet were reportedly told to wrap up their work by the end of this month, according to three of the five leakers, who we're guessing are part of the 40-lawyer team - as "most of the 40-odd lawyers who had been working on the investigation opposed the deadline." Others said they would not sign the complaint, while several left the case over the summer.


Some argued this summer in a memo that ran hundreds of pages that they could bring a strong case but needed more time, according to people who described the document. Disagreement persisted among the team over how broad the complaint should be and what Google could do to resolve the problems the government uncovered. The lawyers viewed the deadline as arbitrary.


While there were disagreements about tactics, career lawyers also expressed concerns that Mr. Barr wanted to announce the case in September to take credit for action against a powerful tech company under the Trump administration.


But Mr. Barr felt that the department had moved too slowly and that the deadline was not unreasonable, according to a senior Justice Department official. -NYT


Barr has shown a "deep interest" in the Google investigation, requesting regular briefings on the DOJ case, and "taking thick binders of information about it on trips and vacations and returning with ideas and notes."


The Times notes that antitrust action against Google has bipartisan support from a coalition of 50 states and territories, though Democrats and Republican state attorneys general conducting their own investigations are split on how to move forward.


Republicans have accused Democrats of slow-walking the work in order to bring charges under a potential Biden administration, while Democrats have accused Republicans of wanting Trump to receive credit - a disagreement which could limit the number of states participating in prosecuting the Silicon Valley giant.


When the Justice Department opened its inquiry into Alphabet in June 2019, career lawyers in the antitrust division were eager to take part. Some within the division described it as the case of the century, on par with the breakup of Standard Oil after the Gilded Age. It also offered a chance for the United States to catch up to European regulators who had been aggressive watchdogs of the technology sector.


Alphabet was an obvious antitrust target. Through YouTube, Google search, Google Maps and a suite of online advertising products, consumers interact with the company nearly every time they search for information, watch a video, hail a ride, order delivery in an app or see an ad online. Alphabet then improves its products based on the information it gleans from every user interaction, making its technology even more dominant. -NYT


According to the report, Google controls roughly 90% of web searches worldwide, and has been accused of unfair practices because its search and browsing tools are standard on phones with its Android operating system. They also dominate online advertising - capturing about 1/3 of every dollar spent.

Anonymous ID: 99fb81 Sept. 3, 2020, 2:08 p.m. No.10518319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8398 >>8641

JCPOA Signatories in Vienna Reject Snapback Sanctions on Iran


Hegemon USA increasingly finds itself isolated on the world stage.


The harder it pressures, bullies, otherwise threatens and/or bludgeons other countries to bend to its will, the further its isolation longer-term.


On Tuesday, Joint Commission of the JCPOA signatories Russia, China, Britain, France, Germany and Iran met in Vienna, a statement by Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov saying the following:


“We are witnessing an important process of consolidation of parties to the JCPOA against this American venture.”


“We are certain that the results of today’s event will help our colleagues in New York continue their work in the right direction.”


Ministers attending the meeting stressed the importance of preserving the landmark JCPOA agreement.


By abandoning it illegally in May 2018, the Trump regime has no say on matters relating to it.


Remaining P4+1 countries oppose imposing snapback sanctions on Iran, what the Trump regime vowed to do unilaterally in flagrant violation of the rule of law both wings of the US one-party state ignore with disturbing regularity.


Ryabkov stressed that


“(w)e are certain that if the international community and the UN Council members will continue to stick to principled positions on this issue, which is what we are working on, then the situation will emerge when the US will be alone in the UN Security Council with this paradoxical point of view.”


“At least, such a unique development seems rather likely.”


“Therefore, the US can end up losing a lot if it does not review its unfounded position and does not take obvious things into account.”


Ryabkov told other ministers of Vladimir Putin’s call for a Persian Gulf security summit, saying:


“The Russian delegation used the (Vienna meeting) to substantively deliver not only details of this proposal, but also to promote the colleagues’ understanding of the concept of collective security in the Persian Gulf area, which we put forward in an updated form last year.”


Following talks between Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his German counterpart Heiko Maas before the Vienna meeting, both ministers agreed on the importance of preserving the JCPOA.


Maas stressed it at a Tuesday press conference. The Trump regime has no support for abandoning what’s affirmed by SC Res. 2231, making the JCPOA binding international law.


Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif earlier denounced the US for being an “unreliable partner that is violating all legal norms and doesn’t abide by its obligations.”

Anonymous ID: 99fb81 Sept. 3, 2020, 2:24 p.m. No.10518441   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Khazarian Jews are from the Synagogue of Satan and do lie (Rev. 2:9 and 3:9).


The so called Jews living today in Israel are not Semites. They are Edomites according to their own Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 Edition, Volume 5, page 41. DNA analysis has also proved that the Jews living in Israel today are Khazars, a semi nomadic Turkic people that converted to Judaism centuries ago. The Khazars or Ashkenazi Jews are a mixed mongrel race and do not consider themselves white. The Jews refer to the white Christian Nations as Edom as they are liars (John 8:44) and we are not suppose to listen to any Jewish fables (Titus 1:14). The Caucasian race are the true Semites and the Holy Seed of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

Anonymous ID: 99fb81 Sept. 3, 2020, 2:32 p.m. No.10518514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8522 >>8530 >>8533 >>8641

Majority Of Republicans Believe The QAnon Conspiracy Theory Is Partly Or Mostly True, Survey Finds


Some 56% of Republicans believe that QAnon, a far-right conspiracy theory, is mostly or partly true, according to a new Daily Kos/Civiqs poll released Wednesday, a remarkably high number considering many of the outlandish assertions espoused by QAnon supporters.

Anonymous ID: 99fb81 Sept. 3, 2020, 2:37 p.m. No.10518567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8573 >>8600

Media Silence: Israel Has Been Bombing Lebanon, Gaza and Syria This Week


Israel has been relentlessly shelling and bombing all over the Middle East this week, savagely hitting Lebanon, Gaza and Syria.


As independent journalist Robert Inlakesh reports, you would never know it from the media silence: