does he get bear sprayed or does one of the shots burst the bear spray container?
seeing a slide towards use of bear spray, was it actually deployed?
does he get bear sprayed or does one of the shots burst the bear spray container?
seeing a slide towards use of bear spray, was it actually deployed?
you are here to confuse
>In the Vice interview, Mr. Reinoehl said he had acted in self-defense, believing that he and a friend were about to be stabbed. “I could have sat there and watched them kill a friend of mine of color, but I wasn’t going to do that,” he said.
how do you get stabbed with a can of mace?
notice the virtue signalling:
it's okay to murder someone, shooting from behind in cold blood, if it is to protect your "friend of color" from a straw man attack.
not that i agree with you or your posible motives
possibility that antifa whacked one of their own (jay) who knew too much, staging him with a prayer patriots hat, then his friend runs off
cops don't care because they know they'll find him later like anyone dumb enough to show face on video.
>There's no agenda to expose a fake incident that a lot of time, money and effort went into which serves to benefit those of us on the right standing against communism.
could you expand this so it makes sense?
sounds like, by citing the existence of the NDAA and its use by previous administration(s), you are accusing POTUS of faking an antifa-on-patriot shooting?
in your own opinion, you're an expert? ok.
you've got that "I I I" thing going for you though.
gut scheit from a couple days ago:
rockefeller pilgrims society CF connections
almost like they read it here