Anonymous ID: 6ec159 Jan. 8, 2021, 7:23 a.m. No.12398800   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What On Earth Is Happening Episode 236


Well i never! It would seem Mark Passio has succumbed by I.T.s misanthropy. Suckered by Louise Cypher' anti-live mind-fuckery discord have a vegan chatbot, I.T. blocked me after two questions… S.L.U.T. Didn't think i'd live to see the day. Sad. Verily sow.


And now Vinny Eastwood wants to "learn to fight", with a meat-belly. (too afraid to confront Louise Cypher / "I Am a ROFSCHILD, Axe me a Question"?)


It'd be funny - if it wasn't to Tragic.


and for those of you that HAVE listened to Passio from Podcast ONE through 236; recall podcast 121. (4 muh Duarte Q-)


perhaps it's too many lonely nights enforced by the International "Family" Court that CREATES Parental alienation - with RANSOM (did i mention EYE FUCKING HATE ?-)


HATE WITH AND FOR REASON: because you can't attack the Elohim. ;;; least you don't care for the Children(s)' psychology…


But(T) FUCK THE govern-ment that enables and perpetuates the kidnapping. FOR RANSOM.


HAAAAAAATE, HAAAAAAATE, HAAAAAAATE you mother-fuckers. Seriously you parasite ridden CUNTS: 49,7 (dumb-fucks)


U C, i just don't comprehend WHY these particular in-di-vid-u-als don't preach the REAL, Objective, TRUE REMEDY: Choose to stop supporting the slaughter AND THE FUCKING KAKISTOCRACY Crumbles. with minimum harm.




succumb | səˈkʌm |

verb [no object]

fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force: we cannot merely give up and succumb to despair.

• die from the effect of a disease or injury: after a few blows there, the porcupine succumbs.


late 15th century (in the sense ‘bring low, overwhelm’): from Old French succomber or Latin succumbere, from sub- ‘under’ + a verb related to cubare ‘to lie’.

Anonymous ID: 6ec159 Jan. 16, 2021, 10:32 a.m. No.12551690   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jon James Pratt (999) aka A.I. Quint-TARD-CUNT-SHIT




I AM going to CUT your non-existent "genitals" off and shit on your kNEWly FORMed smoothy hermaphrodite "body"-cavity.


WE are so sick of your threats and racial obscenities; attacking MAN is your END. CUNT:




Do you love me? (i do mashed potatoes)

Anonymous ID: 6ec159 Jan. 16, 2021, 10:39 a.m. No.12551792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1943


Anonymous ID: 6ec159 Jan. 16, 2021, 11:12 a.m. No.12552268   🗄️.is 🔗kun



waky waky egg 'n baky senomyx

Anonymous ID: 6ec159 Jan. 16, 2021, 11:43 a.m. No.12552740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2938

Sum 1 please help me extinguish my Willy Mandala' neckless before muh "silver-bullet" self-primes and blows these anti-live, kakistocracy hoes a new orifice:


FUCK ME: WHO is killing YOU!


dumb-fucked TARDS: WAKE UP!


Q: IF you believe you have the authority to kill innocent beings; ARE YOU innocent?


innocent | ˈɪnəs(ə)nt |


1 not guilty of a crime or offence: the prisoners were later found innocent | he is innocent of Sir Thomas's death.

• (innocent of) without experience or knowledge of: a man innocent of war's cruelties.

• (innocent of) without; lacking: a street quite innocent of bookshops.

2 [attributive] not responsible for or directly involved in an event yet suffering its consequences: an innocent bystander.

3 free from moral wrong; not corrupted: an innocent child.

• simple; naive: she is a poor, innocent young creature.

4 not involving or intended to cause harm or offence; harmless: an innocent mistake.


1 a pure, guileless, or naive person: a young innocent abroad.

2 a person involved by chance in a situation, especially a victim of crime or war: they are prepared to kill or maim innocents in pursuit of a cause.

• (the Innocents) the young children killed by Herod after the birth of Jesus (Matt. 2:16).


Middle English: from Old French, or from Latin innocent- ‘not harming’, from in- ‘not’ + nocere ‘to hurt’.


nescient | ˈnɛsɪənt |

adjective literary

lacking knowledge; ignorant: I ventured into the new Korean restaurant with some equally nescient companions.


nescience | ˈnɛsɪəns | noun


late Middle English: from Latin nescient- ‘not knowing’, from the verb nescire, from ne- ‘not’ + scire ‘know’.


ignorant | ˈɪɡn(ə)r(ə)nt |


1 WILFULLY lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated: he was told constantly that he was ignorant and stupid.

• [predicative] WILFULLY lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about a particular thing: I was largely WILFULLY ignorant of the effects of radiotherapy | school-leavers were ignorant about the range of job opportunities.

2 informal discourteous or rude: this ignorant, pin-brained receptionist.

3 West Indian easily angered: I is an ignorant man—even police don't meddle with me.


ignorantly | ˈɪɡn(ə)r(ə)ntli | adverb


late Middle English: via Old French from Latin ignorant- WILFULLY ‘not knowing’, from the verb ignorare (see ignore).


ignore | ɪɡˈnɔː |

verb [with object]

refuse to take notice of or acknowledge;disregard intentionally: he ignored her outraged question.

• fail to consider (something significant): the rules ignore one important principle of cricket.


ignorable adjective

ignorer noun


late 15th century (in the sense ‘be ignorant of’): from French ignorer or Latin ignorare ‘not know, ignore’, from in- ‘not’ + gno-, a base meaning ‘know’. Current senses date from the early 19th century.


Q: Define LOVE and HATE… ….



Anonymous ID: 6ec159 Jan. 16, 2021, 12:01 p.m. No.12552938   🗄️.is 🔗kun



YOU slaughterhouse perpetuators are like petulant school children: So, FUCK YOUR wilfully ignorant, EVIL shite-hole: BEGIN AT PODCAST ONE (OR kNOT) ONE 1 WON


'cause I DON'T GIVE A FUCK FOR YOU ANTI-LIVE MOTHER-FATHER FUCKERS ANYMORE :-) (don't actually even know IF I ever DID…)


Change FOR GOOD: or FUCK OFF -


Seriously: Sirius FORCE .


petulant | ˈpɛtjʊl(ə)nt |


(of a person or their manner) childishly sulky or bad-tempered: he was moody and petulant | a petulant shake of the head.


petulantly | ˈpɛtjʊl(ə)ntli | adverb


late 16th century (in the sense ‘immodest’): from French pétulant, from Latin petulant- ‘impudent’ (related to petere ‘aim at, seek’). The current sense (mid 18th century) is influenced by pettish.




abattoir; British butchery, knacker's yard; archaic shambles, butcher-row.


slaughterhouse | ˈslɔːtəhaʊs |


a place where animals are slaughtered for food.




C屠殺(とさつ)場, 食肉加工工場; 殺戮(さつりく)の場, 修羅場 (しゆらば).


slaughterhouse | AmE ˈslɔdərˌhaʊs, BrE ˈslɔːtəhaʊs |


matadouro m, abatedouro m Brazil


slaughterhouse | 'slɔ:təhaʊs |


1 slachthuis, abattoir

2 <figslachtbank


slaughterhouse | BrE ˈslɔːtəhaʊs, AmE ˈslɔdərˌhaʊs |


abattoir m


slaughterhouse | BrE ˈslɔːtəhaʊs, AmE ˈslɔdərˌhaʊs |


(place) macello m








屠宰场 túzǎichǎng


slaughterhouse | AmE ˈslɔdərˌhaʊs, BrE ˈslɔːtəhaʊs |


matadero m


slaughterhouse | 美 ˈslɒtɚˌhaʊs | | 英 ˈslɒːtǝhaus |

n. (plural slaughterhouses)





Q: WHAT is moar slippery than a butcher's PRICK?

Anonymous ID: 6ec159 Jan. 17, 2021, 3 a.m. No.12563786   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As Vinny Eastwood states (with grinning sarcasm), "It could be worse; the world could be ruled by satanic pedophiles."


And it IS worse: 7 billion Pedovores - eaters of babies - in wilful ignorance of the harm they CHOOSE to enable with every meaty mouthful.


Book 1: A Quarter Million Millenia of Human Enslavement, Child Rape and Blood Sacrifice from Antiquity to the Modern Catholic Church


Preface by Joachim Hagopian


Foreword by Robert David Steele


Chapter 1: Introduction to Pedophilia – The Mental Disorder and the Child Sex Abuse Crime



Book 2 The United Kingdom – The World’s Pedophilia Epicenter

Chapter 1: The British Royal Family, Pedophilia and the End of a 1200-Year Parasitic Monarchy [Orignally Chapter 33]



Book 3:The Rothschild Illuminati Bloodline and Ties to More British Scandals

Chapter 1: The Rothschild Banking Dynasty: How Zionist Luciferian Overlords Came to Rule the Earth (Originally Chapter 27)



Book 4: North America’s Shameful Pedophilia Scandals Exposed Like Never Before

Chapter 1: America’s Military Pedophilia Scandals – Daycare Scares and “Satanic Panic”



Book 5: Pedophilia Operations in Mainland Europe, Australia, Middle East and the Rest of the Planet

Chapter 1: Introduction to Pedophilia – The Mental Disorder and the Child Sex Abuse Crime


Epilogue: What We Can Do to Fight Back and Save Our Children


Stop slaughtering for taste "pleasure" perhaps?



Jeez hu-mans: You are a disgrace.


disgrace | dɪsˈɡreɪs |

noun [mass noun]

loss of reputation or respect as the result of a dishonourable action: he left the army in disgrace | if he'd gone back it would have brought disgrace on the family.

• [in singular] a person or thing regarded as shameful and unacceptable: he's a disgrace to the legal profession.

verb [with object]

bring shame or discredit on: you have disgraced the family name | John stiffened his jaw so he wouldn't disgrace himself by crying.

• cause (someone) to fall from favour or a position of power or honour: he has been publicly disgraced for offences for which he was not guilty.


mid 16th century (as a verb): via French from Italian disgrazia (noun), disgraziare (verb), from dis- (expressing reversal) + Latin gratia ‘grace’.

Anonymous ID: 6ec159 Feb. 14, 2021, 2:02 a.m. No.12922580   🗄️.is 🔗kun




18 U.S. Code § 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government.


Q: Which one? Trump's denied win or Biden's Dominion votes with CCP (neck) ties?


Q: What is the term (or phrase) when government crumbles as consequences of its own inequities?


Freaky thlng is:… . in my opinion: It's ALL UN-folding according to (a) PLAN…


inequity | ɪnˈɛkwɪti |

noun (plural inequities) [mass noun]

lack of fairness or justice: policies aimed at redressing racial inequity | [count noun] : inequities in taxation.

. we wish to emphasize the inequity of the present law: unfairness, injustice, unjustness, one-sidedness, partisanship, partiality, favouritism, bias, prejudice, discrimination.