Anonymous ID: fab5d0 Dec. 29, 2020, 4:52 a.m. No.12221479   🗄️.is 🔗kun





come on hu-mans: U R letting the Team DOWN - like as in and is and are DOWN TO FUCKING HELL - except their ain't no fucking LOVE in HELL.

Anonymous ID: fab5d0 Jan. 4, 2021, 5:45 a.m. No.12308983   🗄️.is 🔗kun



AND (or) b4 sum uppity, unhinged coward fuck-tard gets all offended 'bout muh ATTITUDE: JUST(US) recall 'dis, EYE sit at the table (bench' BAR) with GOod to da Right of me and DEVIL to the left. I AM the Duarte - u wormy cunt-ârasite BITCH -: asking YOU ONE QUESTION;


Do YOU choose to consume Sentient Beings for taste (AND (or) sexual) "pleasure" alone? (sick fuck)


'cause, FAIL THAT, and your heart -less-ness is belonging(s) to moi. (and ALL "your" riDICulous pronoun bases)


Book of the Dead


1 a collection of ancient Egyptian religious and magical texts, selections from which were often written on or placed in tombs.

2 (in full Tibetan Book of the Dead) a Tibetan Buddhist text recited during funerary rites, describing the passage from death to rebirth.



《the Book of the Dead》사자(死者)의 서: 고대 이집트에서 부장품으로 했던 사후 세계 안내서.


Q: Why do and does the DEVIL HATE?


Q: WHY is earth in quarantine?


"The star gates are closed. We must stay, to fight, to Conquer. Until the star gates are opened again."


JUST A waiting muh turn - like a leggy, unhinged snake mouth… (Carl, your mouth unhinged like a SNAKE!-)


Heavy Fractal Feather

Anonymous ID: fab5d0 Jan. 21, 2021, 10:44 a.m. No.12653144   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Q777 :- What is the difference between a scab and a city?


scab | skab |


1 a dry, rough protective crust that forms over a cut or wound during healing.

2 [mass noun] mange or a similar skin disease in animals. See also sheep scab.

• [usually with modifier] any of a number of fungal diseases of plants in which rough patches develop, especially on apples and potatoes.

3 informal a person or thing regarded with contempt.

• derogatory a person who refuses to strike or join a trade union or who takes the place of a striking worker.

verb (scabs, scabbing, scabbed) [no object]

1 (usually as adjective scabbed) become encrusted or covered with a scab or scabs: she rested her scabbed fingers on his arm.

2 act or work as a scab.

• [with object] British informal scrounge.


scab-like adjective


Middle English (as a noun): from Old Norse skabb; related to dialect shab (compare with shabby). The sense ‘contemptible person’ (dating from the late 16th century) was probably influenced by Middle Dutch schabbe ‘slut’.




ah muh Solipsist Litmus U Test: SCAB


Pinch a SCAB - does it weep?


Want a Double-Dose?




Brain Damage: … Order takers.



weep | wiːp |

verb (past and past participle wept | wɛpt | ) [no object]

1 shed tears: a grieving mother wept over the body of her daughter | [with object] : he wept bitter tears at her cruelty.

• utter or express with tears: [with direct speech] : ‘No!’ she wept.

• [with object] archaic mourn for; shed tears over: a young widow weeping her lost lord.

2 exude liquid: she rubbed the sore, making it weep.

noun [in singular]

a fit or period of weeping: sit down and have a weep.


weepingly adverb


Old English wēpan (verb), of Germanic origin, probably imitative.


My tear ducts are dry: do (You) need EyE-Lubrication?


lubrication | luːbrɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n |

noun [mass noun]

the action of applying a substance such as oil or grease to an engine or component so as to minimize friction and allow smooth movement: instruments with moving parts may require lubrication.

• the action of making a process run smoothly: banks provide the necessary financial lubrication for any economy to grow.

• informal the process of making people convivial through drinking alcohol: a good time to talk with some beer for social lubrication | people sitting putting the world to rights after more than sufficient lubrication.

Anonymous ID: fab5d0 Jan. 21, 2021, 11:34 a.m. No.12653911   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Dude, where on EartH are you these days?


moi; I AM Refugee.


Listen to Mark Passio WOEIH-013.mp3 from 01:18:00 - brain damage from cannabis through alcohol, cocaine, meth amphetamines, opiates and WORST: adrenalin… … . …. (not 9, not 11 but 10 TENx)


you see, The Old (bent-over) Lady of Africa bends and craps from an orifice towards Latitude 0, Longitude 0. Perhaps it is not Nigeria butt Benin that is the colon of the matter?


General Butt-Naked ring a Bell for you? Long-White-Pig does dose it 4 me:


Benin | bɛˈniːn |

a country of West Africa, immediately west of Nigeria; population 10,900,000 (estimated 2015); languages, French (official), West African languages; capital, Porto Novo. The country was conquered by the French in 1893 and became part of French West Africa. In 1960 it became fully independent. Former name (until 1975) Dahomey.


name adopted in 1975, formerly used of an African kingdom powerful in the 14th–17th centuries.

Benin, Bight of

a wide bay on the coast of Africa north of the Gulf of Guinea, bordered by Togo, Benin, and SW Nigeria. Lagos is its chief port.


colon2 | ˈkəʊlən, ˈkəʊlɒn |

noun Anatomy

the main part of the large intestine, which passes from the caecum to the rectum and absorbs water and electrolytes from food which has remained undigested.


late Middle English: via Latin from Greek kolon. mid 16th century (as a term in rhetoric denoting a section of a complex sentence, or a pause before it): via Latin from Greek kōlon ‘limb, clause’.



Anonymous ID: fab5d0 Feb. 12, 2021, 3:28 a.m. No.12900022   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>War with the Deep State


Q: Is, "Get in muh BELLY" a (dEEp) State-Of-MINd?




Life force - War with the Deep State 1 18 2021 Home United Network


"This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying."


GrOOOoooO'n : well; THAT's TELL'n, ain't I.T.


Life force - War with the Deep State 1 18 2021 Home United Network.mp4


Q: Pretty Green? (what THE a JAM)


BWAH hahahahahahahahhhhaaaa!


Q: Would Project Blue Beam be "harassment and bullying"?


WHO is 'n r emotes-ing 'dis "harassment and bullying"?


i'd suggest every Hoe 'n wahine(z) attend


Vinny is juice'n (after 7 ow-muh-ballzs Sessions):


Moi Happy "parasite" , Passio LikeS HIM :-)


Vinny b like the Kiwi Host(esz) wit da MOSt-isT


At least isn't censored: Remember that.


8kunt'z RULZ -)

Anonymous ID: fab5d0 Feb. 12, 2021, 3:41 a.m. No.12900054   🗄️.is 🔗kun



call this x-board spam'n: I don't GIve a flying FUCK: But i' do plan to - with a Good, Trust-Worthy Friend of moi…


EYE 'n i want to kNo.W: WHAT IN chocolate-bacon-on-a-stick is this shiTe about " humans inhale teflon (Polytetrafluoroethylene) from masks?"? ??? ,??


THATincludes our Good Doctors: Even the 1's doing organ "harvest'ing" ORgan(z)


Frot muh kNOT: 'n leave the Cabin-Boy'z alone/ . Mine kNOT is OaK'y: Damn TOUGH enough to tAKE-I.T.




▶Anonymous (You) 02/12/21 (Fri) 11:29:00197c9e (1) No.12899859


File (hide): 6987d90ff48e94c⋯.mp4 (11.26 MB, 640x480, Hang_n_Star_Gat.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


Star Gates :-




Q:What happens when humans inhale teflon (Polytetrafluoroethylene) from masks?




Where's daT Ratatouille' Chef?


Midnight Oil did WHAT agin?


Back to Star Gate(1Z51)




Q: How'z da Bolshevik UP-Rise going?


Pot's 'n Pans (You) BEAUTIFUL "Biches"