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Amazon Kindle



Robert David Steele


Cover Credit: Nora Maccoby with permission


DOC (5 Pages): Pedophilia & Empire Foreword by Robert Steele 1.1


Full Text Online Below the Fold


Although I have been a spy for my country – a clandestine operations officer or case officer for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) – and am very familiar with blackmail, bribery, and the assorted perversions that common at all levels of society from the wealthiest elite to the basest rogues in the gutters and slums – it was not until recently that I have realized that every aspect of our government, economy, and society is controlled by a Satanic elite using a Deep State construct to manage all people, all corporations, all property, all land, and even all social conventions including the legalization of homosexuality and (had Hillary Clinton been elected) the legalization of bestiality and pedophilia.


The Deep State begins with the Rothschild family and their centuries-old genius in bribing monarchs and later parliaments and other forms of legislature into allowing them to literally own and control the central banks of all countries. The Federal Reserve in the USA is neither federal nor a reserve. It is a “front” for the Rothschild family and their assigns. In combination with the City of London and Wall Street, the central banks are the means by which every political-legal, socio-economic, ideo-cultural, techno-demographic, and natural-geographic condition is controlled Of, By, and For a tiny elite – 1% of 1%.


The Rothschild family is joined by the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuit order), and other elements of the Vatican (the Catholic Church) often far beyond the control of the White Pope, the nominal head of the Catholic Church. In the case of the Jesuits, their power has come from being the confessors and counselors to monarchs and mandarins for centuries, in one of the most complex sustained clandestine operations of global scope ever achieved, and from their control of trade in drugs and gold alongside the East India Company and its now infamous Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank controlled by the Rothschilds.


The Freemasons and the Knights of Malta are among the two most important secret societies that serve as transnational – which is to say, without national allegiance of any kind – consiglieri and “fixers” able to achieve any desired outcome at any level of any organization.


Using a mix of bribery and blackmail, the elite control every government, generally by sustaining a “two-party tyranny” that blocks seventy percent of the eligible voters – and candidates from small parties or candidates who wish to be independent – from ballot access. The politicians, together with senior bureaucrats hand-picked to be Freemason or Knights of Malta or merely hired hands, and most particularly, senior executives of the secret intelligence services able to spy on and then blackmail politicians, judges, and celebrities, comprise “the best of the servant class” in this construct. Mind control, begun and used in the 1950’s and far advanced today, is the special purview of the secret intelligence services.



The arrest and conviction of Jeffrey Epstein, a Mossad agent and fake billionaire whose assignment has been to lure as many US politicians, judges, and celebrities as possible to his “Lolita Island” in the Caribbean (or “no name” hotels in Washington, DC and New York City) so as to get them on video tape doing terrible things to children of both sexes, was a major but largely covered up window into how pedophilia pervades every aspect of Wall Street as well as Washington and Hollywood.


Now here is what is not yet being properly covered:


First, that close to one million children a year go missing across the USA every year.


Second, that beyond pedophilia lie Satanic murder rituals in which children who have been kidnapped or bought into slavery or exported from Haiti by the Clinton Foundation and its surrogates and others, are tortured and murdered with impunity.


Third, that the drinking of adrenalized child’s blood – blood is adrenalized when the victim is tortured and terrified before death – think of the Chinese boiling dogs alive to adrenalize the blood and “improve” the flavor of the meat – is the ultimate pedophile “high.” Silicon Valley’s Peter Thiel is on record as receiving transfusions of children’s blood. This is legal – and a stark confirmation of what the elite have known for centuries.