May the source be with you, but remember the KISS principle ;-) Skepticism and critical thinking is not panacea, but can help to understand the world better
Introduction to Neoliberalism
Neoliberalism = Casino Capitalism = "Transnational elites, Unite!"
(It is a neoTrotskyism with the word "proletarians" substituted by the word "elites"
in famous "Proletarians of all countries, Unite!" slogan
and "Color revolutions" instead of Communist "Permanent revolution" )
Ideology that does not dare to speak its name
Expansionist ideology with global ambitions
Redistribution of wealth up as a social goal. Destruction of the New Deal capitalism
Role of deception under neoliberalism: elevating deception into a vital political tool
Quite Coup: Neoliberal revolution as an internal color revolution in the USA
Extremism of Neoliberalism, Neoconservatives as militant faction of neoliberals
Neoliberalism and Christianity
Ideology of Financial Elite: how neoliberal lie became hegemonic despite being a lie
Perverted definition of freedom
Three principal dimensions of neoliberalism – political, ideological and cultural
Trotskyism for the rich; neoliberalism as the replacement of both Marxism and state capitalism
Neoliberalism as a strategy of class struggle for transnational elite
Idolatry of money and finance; "Greed is good" as the key ethical principle of neoliberalism
Neoliberalism leads to neo-fascism: Neoliberal globalization as a catalyst for the rise of ultra-nationalism and neo-fascism
Neoliberalism as an integral part of American Messianism
Redistribution of income and lowering the standard of living of the bottom 80% of population
Elite and the second and third world countries
Neoliberalism, cheap hydrocarbons, and economic crisis of 2008
US neoliberal empire and the stages of development of neoliberalism
A Decade Long Triumph of Neoliberalism after the Dissolution of the USSR
Fear of the population and establishment of "National Security State" to protect the interest of transnational elite
Criminogenic effects of neoliberalism
Neoliberalism as a key contributor to growth of amorality and economic crimes
Neoliberalism and propaganda of amorality
Moral relativism and concept of "Justice for some"
Legal arbitrage
The Consequences of Neoliberalism in Third World Countries and xUSSR space: stagnation instead of growth
Disaster for the lower social classes: pushing poor people into crime
Neoliberal globalization as a catalyst for the rise of ultra-nationalism and neo-fascism
Supplement: Neoliberalism Bulletin
The current issue
Neoliberalism Bulletin, 2016
Neoliberalism Bulletin, 2015
Neoliberalism Bulletin, 2014
Neoliberalism Bulletin, 2013
Neoliberalism Bulletin, 2011
Neoliberalism Bulletin 2009
Neoliberalism Bulletin 2008