Bread is still high Jacked anon's
Last three breads! Take note of the top of the ID for the first series of notables is different from the rest..
>>10528292 >d86c67
>>10528295 >7f3b24
Duel Bakers working together...EYES ON
Bread is still high Jacked anon's
Last three breads! Take note of the top of the ID for the first series of notables is different from the rest..
>>10528292 >d86c67
>>10528295 >7f3b24
Duel Bakers working together...EYES ON
They seem to be working hard to change the narrative of the board..Question..Why they are afraid of something and they want to make sure it stays hidden.
And YOU Just OUTED YOU…read the fine print.
Here's some help!
Copyright © 1996-2020 by Softpanorama Society. was initially created as a service to the (now defunct) UN Sustainable Development Networking Programme (SDNP) in the author free time and without any remuneration. This document is an industrial compilation designed and created exclusively for educational use and is distributed under the Softpanorama Content License. Original materials copyright belong to respective owners. Quotes are made for educational purposes only in compliance with the fair use doctrine.
Sources don't matter to you.. You prefer to have your information come from the UN…Interesting.. There's plenty of information out there without refering to this…How about you look for Georgies own words on color guard you can find it at his Open Society Foundation. You have clearly missed. >>10528965