Anonymous ID: 102083 Sept. 4, 2020, 3:54 p.m. No.10530248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0447 >>0682 >>0696

Facebook Bans Patriot Prayer Six Days After One of Their Members Was Executed By Antifa


Facebook has banned Patriot Prayer and its founder Joey Gibson, six days after one of their members was executed by a proud member of Antifa.


The platform has been increasingly bold with their hyper-partisan political censorship as of late.


Patriot Prayer is a pro-Trump group that often counterprotests against far-left extremism.


In a statement, Facebook said that “they were removed as part of our ongoing efforts to remove Violent Social Militias from our platform.”


Speaking to the Gateway Pundit, Gibson said that the ban is the result of a media company reaching out to Facebook and claiming that they are violating the platform’s “dangerous groups” policy.


“So, Antifa kills one of my guys wearing a Patriot Prayer hat, in downtown Portland, and Facebook’s response is not to ban Antifa… but ban Patriot Prayer,” Gibson noted.


When asked if he planned to fight the ban in court, Gibson explained that he is considering it, but that he feels like it’s almost better if more people get banned from Facebook and migrate to a more pro-free speech platform.


“Personally, I feel like we are giving Facebook too much power by using it. It’s almost like the more people they ban the better, so we can get off of that. The censorship is out of control right now. For example, Facebook is banning CDC reports now.”


“They are literally getting in the way of our health and being able to make good decisions,” Gibson said. He noted that they are having a major impact in big pharma, elections, and every other aspect of our lives.


While Facebook has cracked down hard on the right, including banning anyone who dares to defend Kyle Rittenhouse, Antifa is allowed to actively organize riots on their platform.


On Saturday in Portland, Oregon, Patriot Prayer member Aaron Danielson was gunned down by Michael Reinoeh, a member of Portland Antifa, for seemingly no reason.


On Thursday, Reinoehl was killed by officers from the U.S. Marshals Service after doing an interview with Vice News, in which they attempted to humanize the killer.


“Initial reports indicate the suspect produced a firearm, threatening the lives of law enforcement officers. Task force members responded to the threat and struck the suspect who was pronounced dead at the scene,” the U.S. Marshals Service said in a statement.

Anonymous ID: 102083 Sept. 4, 2020, 3:54 p.m. No.10530254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0447 >>0682 >>0696

China Moves Away From US Dollar, Ahead Of Digital Yuan


In brief


China is reducing exposure to the US dollar amidst fears of massive inflation.


The country has sold over $109 billion worth of US bonds in the first half of 2020.


Its upcoming digital yuan is a contender to the US dollar's long-held global dominance.


China is likely to reduce its holdings of US Treasury bonds to just under $800 billion from the current level of more than $1 trillion, according to local news outlet Global Times.


A major reason for the reduced exposure is the record amounts of US dollars being printed by the country’s Federal Reserve, leading to fears among investors and central banks of imminent inflation. Another is US President Donald Trump’s repeated attacks on the Chinese administration, the report said.


Currently, China is the world's second-largest holder of US debts, but it has been reducing its holdings of US bonds in recent years. In the first half of 2020 alone, China sold an estimated $106 billion worth of US bonds - a 3.4% decline compared to 2019.


Xi Junyang, a professor at the Shanghai University in China was cited as saying that China is on track to reduce its holdings of US bonds from $1 trillion to $800 billion. But he added, “China might sell all of its US bonds in an extreme case, like a military conflict."


Bitcoin critic and gold investor Peter Schiff agreed, tweeting, “My feeling is that China will reduce its exposure by much more. It's also likely that other nations will do likewise."


If true this is very significant. In fact, my feeling is that China will reduce its exposure by much more. It's also likely that other nations will do likewise. That means the Fed is gonna need a much bigger printing press and Americans had better be prepared to really pay up!

— Peter Schiff (@PeterSchiff) September 3, 2020


Schiff added, “That means the Fed is gonna need a much bigger printing press, and Americans had better be prepared to really pay up.”

Rise of the yuan


The report added that many other countries might diversify their foreign exchange reserve assets to decrease the reliance on US-dollar assets. This would be in the hope of minimizing potential risks caused by US debt.


China’s upcoming digital yuan will be a contender. Officially called the Digital Currency Electronic Payment, it will increase the accessibility and accountability of the yuan while increasing international trade on its wholly-digital system.


Experts have already said that the digital yuan may threaten the US dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency. Now that it’s getting ready for launch, China may not need the US dollar any more.

Anonymous ID: 102083 Sept. 4, 2020, 3:56 p.m. No.10530268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0337 >>0407 >>0427 >>0443 >>0553

NBC’s Peter Alexander Asks Trump to ‘Apologize’ to Veterans for Atlantic Story; Whether True or Not, It ‘Resonates’



Peter Alexander, NBC’s White House Correspondent, invited President Donald Trump on Friday to apologize for allegedly disparaging fallen military personnel. The unsubstantiated allegations — which included no evidence — were published by the Atlantic on Thursday.


The Atlantic alleged that Trump derided Americans who died in wars as “losers,” citing unidentified “people with firsthand knowledge” of a discussion with the president in 2018.


Alexander asked for Trump’s apology while wearing a mask. His Twitter profile photo also shows him wearing a surgical mask. He reiterated Atlantic writer Jeffrey Goldberg’s allegations.


NEW: “When my son volunteered and joined the United States military, and went to Iraq for a year, won the Bronze Star and other commendations, he was not a sucker."


Joe Biden angrily responds to allegations in @TheAtlantic that Trump disparaged fallen servicemembers.


— Peter Alexander (@PeterAlexander) September 4, 2020


New, from @TheAtlantic: Trump skipped a visit to an American military cemetery in France after calling the dead "losers" for getting killed: Full story here:


— Jeffrey Goldberg (@JeffreyGoldberg) September 3, 2020


Partial transcript below.


ALEXANDER: Sir, do you need to apologize to military servicemembers and veterans?


TRUMP: No, it’s a fake story written by a magazine that is probably not going to be around much longer, but it was a totally fake story and that was confirmed by many people who were actually there. It was a terrible thing that somebody could say the kind of things and, especially to me, because I’ve done more for the military than almost anybody else.


You look at how the VA is doing. It’s doing incredibly well. We got all sorts of things done, from accountability to veterans’ choice … and it’s got right now the highest approval rating that it’s ever had, 91 percent approval rating. It’s never been anywhere close to that. Nobody’s done what I’ve done, and that includes salary increases, but it really includes a rebuilding of our military, because as you know, when I came here, our military was totally depleted and we spent almost 2.5 trillion dollars.


Trump described the Atlantic‘s claims as “a fake story.” He added, “It’s a disgrace that they’re allowed to do [that].”


Trump concluded, “There’s nobody that considers the military — and especially people that have given their lives in the military — to me, they’re heroes. They’re heroes. It’s even hard to believe how they could do it, the level of bravery, and to me they are absolute heroes.”


Moments later, Alexander joined MSNBC for a live segment in which he framed the allegations as credible.


Alexander said:


Obviously the reason the Atlantic story resonates — even as the president dismisses it — is because we’ve heard publicly from the president as he spoke about John McCain in 2015, that he said McCain was only a war hero because he was captured and he likes those who were not captured. So it really does raise questions about the president’s view of service and sacrifice.


The allegations were discredited and denied by on-the-record sources who were present for the discussion in which Trump is alleged to have denigrated fallen troops.


NBC News markets itself as a politically objective and non-partisan news media outlet.



Anonymous ID: 102083 Sept. 4, 2020, 3:57 p.m. No.10530288   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Van Jones Tells Joe Biden to Own the Antifa Rioters—and Keep Them Quiet Until Election Day


On Wednesday, CNN commentator Van Jones made a stunning admission. Unlike Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, Jones admitted that there are “edges of violence in our own movement.” He urged Biden to own the antifa rioters and to “lead a national moratorium on these nighttime marches” that culminate in violent riots.


Van Jones’ remarks mark a turning point in the debate about the riots. For months, left-leaning journalists and politicians have covered for the violent antifa attacks on federal and police property and nightly harassment of the citizens of Portland, referring to the riots with the positive terms “peaceful protests” or “mostly peaceful protests.”


To his credit, Joe Biden has twice vocally condemned looting and arson, in June and again this past week. Yet Biden has reserved his harshest criticism for President Donald Trump and for the “right-wing militias” that support the president. He has not condemned antifa or Black Lives Matter by name and he has not owned the fact that the violent agitators behind the riots are indeed motivated by the same kind of leftist radicalism trumpeted by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) — radicalism he has rushed to endorse after the Democratic primary.


Van Jones suggested that Biden’s current strategy is untenable. He suggested that Democrats need the riots to go away so that they can attack Trump for the coronavirus pandemic and the associated economic struggles.


“The longer we talk about violence and unrest and how he’s handling it or not handling, it’s all advantage Trump. In other words, this campaign is going well for Donald Trump because we’re not talking about the economic devastation that people are experiencing, or the virus, really,” Jones suggested.


“I think it’s time for us to recognize we are in a very perilous situation if you want to see a change in November. We have two social movements. Both have edges of violence to them, one on the left, one on the right. I think it’s baked in that Donald Trump is not going to challenge very strongly the police violence and the vigilante violence, and a lot of people, frankly, are comfortable with that,” the commentator said.


“The question is, how are Democrats and progressives going to deal with the edges of violence in our own movement? I think that Joe Biden can actually begin to move his own movement in a better direction, lead a national moratorium on these nighttime marches,” Jones insisted.


“That would separate the responsible, productive demonstrations that have united the whole world from some of these other demonstrations that are just not as useful,” he added. “There are things that Joe Biden and other progressives can do. They can begin to push down on the violence in our movement, and then turn it back toward the people who are actually suffering [like] the businesses: There have been a couple of hundred businesses that have been hurt by arsonists. There have been thousands that have been destroyed by mishandling this virus.”


“We’ve got to get off of this conversation around unrest and back to the conversation around the literally millions of people who are suffering from the Trump economy and the mishandling of the virus,” Jones insisted.


The CNN commentator likely did not intend to criticize Biden’s messaging on the riots and he did not even acknowledge that the riots are riots — referring to them, instead, with the innocuous word “demonstrations.” He also suggested that the “police violence” and “vigilante violence” are equivalent to the far-left riots.

Anonymous ID: 102083 Sept. 4, 2020, 3:59 p.m. No.10530313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0328 >>0372 >>0447 >>0682 >>0696

Atlantic Reporter Does Not Deny Coordinating Question with Joe Biden Campaign


Edward-Isaac Dovere, a reporter for The Atlantic, did not deny coordinating a question about Trump’s “soul” with Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, which selected him to ask the first question during a rare press availability on Friday.


The Atlantic is the publication that published a story Thursday evening claiming that President Donald Trump had referred to Americans who died in the First World War as “losers” and “suckers.” The story was based on four anonymous sources. It has since been rejected or refuted by nearly a dozen on-the-record sources, including some Trump critics, like John Bolton.


Biden led a press conference on the economy by commenting angrily on the story, “if these statements [by Trump] are true.”


After his remarks, Biden turned to his staff, who selected Dovere to ask the first question. He asked: “When you hear these remarks — ‘suckers,’ ‘losers,’ recoiling from amputees — what does it tell you about president Trump’s soul, and the life he leads?”


Biden took the question as a cue to launch another attack on the president.


Dovere faced criticism from the Trump campaign, and defended himself on Twitter:


There were no questions about Biden’s proposed economic policies — which, ostensibly, was the topic of the press conference.