Anonymous ID: 55734b Sept. 4, 2020, 3:44 p.m. No.10530172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0179

California anon went on a cross country trip the last couple of weeks. Traveled through multiple states to skirt illegal quarantine mandates which it turns out are not enforced, spoke to people and learned a lot. First, mostly patriots at the airports but airports and aircraft are empty. Can't imagine they can survive much longer. Going through TSA with mask on is acceptable, they can tell it's you by your eyes (I asked and I was the only one in line). It doesn't matter what mask you wear (operator skull mask through TSA or anywhere else didn't raise an eyebrow, I had to get where I was going and didn't feel like challenging the airline mandate would benefit me getting there). Everywhere I went I found a handful of people who believe covid lockdowns are bullshit but a very low percentage. Discovered people are scared and making excuses to avoid interacting with a family member or friend from across the country because fear porn. Disappointed that family members have no clue about actual covid death rates and believe the country can remain shut down to save everyone forever (not exaggerating). Parent anons are skeptical but compliant despite constant contact with public "essential workers" (both in high risk age group >70, Dad anon has multiple pre existing conditions including cancers and diabetes but interacts with 100's of people daily). Younger family members and friends are too scared to see me (teacher, nurse, engineer, doctor). GF anon is scared to see me since I returned, thinks I should quarantine, says she is sick, IDK. Work says I can't return for 14 days because I took public transportation (plane, bus, train are unacceptable). Basically people are sheep, can't think for themselves and those that do are too few. Brother in law NY anon hates Trump, can't say why and declared he will vote for Biden as a spite vote despite claiming to be a libitarian. Admits Biden is dirty as fuck and doesn't care. Also found ammunition and guns are not available in the states I visited which is a very bad sign to me. As I see it shit is about to hit the fan because people are poorly informed and those that are informed are arming up and preparing for the worst. If something doesn't happen to wake people up we are on the verge of a civil war. I pray I am wrong but historically I am only wrong about women. Sorry, so much text fags.