Anonymous ID: 7f0428 Sept. 4, 2020, 4:16 p.m. No.10530511   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0682 >>0696

The Times scrubbed the references to Reinoehl being an ANTIFA member from their story about his death

Big League Politics has reported about Reinoehl’s boast that he was “100% ANTIFA all the way.” The fake news merchants at the Times apparently want to obfuscate this fact from the public.

The Times also produced a puff piece on behalf of Reinoehl, talking about him as if he was some kind of family man. They lamented that he was planning to set up a GoFundMe before his death so left-wing activists could help the domestic terrorist attempt to escape justice for his heinous crimes.

However, Reinoehl’s own sister has spoken publicly about the delinquent nature of her reprobate brother, who had been estranged from his family for many years.

“I wouldn’t say at this point that this counts as bad news. It’s just more news,” April Reinoehl told the Daily Mail about her brother’s death.

“Honestly I didn’t expect it to be the police, I expected it to be the people who had a contract out for him. I was expecting the angry population of people who were out for blood,” she added.

April was not surprised at all that her brother’s life came to an end in this manner. She had expected it due to his history of reckless behavior.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if he reacted badly to a situation just like he reacted badly to the situation at the riots,” April said.

“He always acted impulsively letting the worst emotions guide his actions, and then he’d try to rationalize afterwards,” she added. “So I’m not surprised he got himself killed. I’m surprised a police officer did it.”

April believes that her brother becoming a martyr is going to unfortunately lead to more violence.