Anonymous ID: 89c774 Sept. 4, 2020, 3:29 p.m. No.10530043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0666 >>0712



>NEW YORK — Over 600 Jewish[Zionist] organizations, representing the majority of American Jews [Zionist], signed a letter in support of the Black Lives Matter movement that was published in a full-page New York Times ad on Friday.

^^Zionist^^ RAGE in FEAR as the leaders of these organizations know what is coming for them. They put their 100% backing to the insurgerncy in America. They are all in on the uncivil war that they crave to protect them now. Israel has the "Samson option," while the bad, left, evil puppets have the "demonic option" of mail in voter fraud. "DON'T CONCEDE!" is their rallying cry. Don't tell me that 600 organisations are not critical thinkers and can't see the truth. I call bullshit if (you) think that. I call out shit "my" pope and his cronnies do. Time for (yew)s to do the same. I'm not antisemitic, but I am antizionistsemitic. If I have to put a name on it, Zionist is just as good as any. Name it what you will, but evil is evil no matter where they decide to hide. And it's not just "them." Those we trust the most. Gooberment, religion, media, entertainment, business, financial, global organisations. " Every country with a central bank has a "deep state," "cabal," "communist fifth column," "foreign agents" from "friendly" allies, or what have you. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is how the left operates. Pakis, who are really Imranies by one generation. Muslim Brotherhood. Chinese Commies. Jewish Zions. Catholic Radicals. Evangelical Extremists. Buddhist Mobs. They are anywhere and everywhere. Once they control who is allowed in, then they install their friends and those of like minded thought. Now, how much time has passed since "they" started doing this? You in the back, care to guess?

Now look, a logical person will see the evidence and connections that our great citizen newsroom produces, while the "lefts" evidence is (uggg, orange man bad,) and point to fake news to prove it. Now the "left" evil puppets and [p]uppet master"s", can see the writing on the wall and know this is their last stand and think they can and will execute their demonic option as one of their last ditch efforts.

No beef against (you) normie American (yews). We're all Americans, right! At this point in time, we know that there is no repub vs dem, jew vs islam, black vs white, and we know this to be true. There are the blackmailed shits and the other giggles who do this out of free will. Not counting the still "lost" normies, those who are still under the "spell" of 95% of media. I'd like to think that that number has been swayed somewhat rather significantly because of all the citizen researchers, citizen video/social media reporters, and citizen ground reporters. Not to mention all of the side ops support network (think all other citizens for truth), worldwide no doubt. We are the news now. This IS Qanon, citizens for truth. Bring the Light, disinfect it all!

Anonymous ID: 89c774 Sept. 4, 2020, 3:30 p.m. No.10530048   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In other news, start Paul "neighborhood watch" Revere programs with an added updated message. Let "them" know we know. Monthly gun cleaning courses. self defence, bug in/out, updates on real news. Or however you feel normies might take the message. Don't scare them, guide them. Neighborhood Watch has a whole new meaning nowadays more than ever. Red Dawn wasn't prepared for the fight from within. Red Dawn 2 shows how the fifth column allowed it to happen. But you say there was no sequel. I say there is a sequel, and you're living it right now. WAKE UP!!!

And fight back! We forgot how to fight. We learned to be scared of reprisals from speaking up.. That they were going to get us and our families. And they might just do that if we call and complain. Well they will get us anyway if we don't fight back. We interrupted their final 16yr plan halfway through. You are in a war weather you like it or not. You thought your vote didn't count and stopped voting. The first four years was to prove this wasn't any 'ol election. He is not controlled. The facts are there. Now that your eyes have been opened, FIGHT! Call them out for what they are. Don't threaten, just give the truth. The truth will set you free. Call your congressmen and senators. Call city gooberment. Call the companies who choose to take a knee. Call you religious leader and see if they know truth from lies. Call the UN and ask for the complaint department. Call your local news station and complain about the lies the national networks spew. Call, write, fax, whatever suits you, but make your voices heard. Be anonymous if you feel a real threat to your wellbeing exists. In some places, I suspect that to be the case. Maybe not direct. Maybe not fixing your street. Maybe not fixing your water system. The movement is working on removing more direct threats. i.e. ms-13 But let them know we're not going down without a fight in ideology. I don't want to call you comrade, I want to call you mom. If they resist, they could have something to hide, or they are non-critical thinkers who are still spellbound.

Shoutout to the atheist. It's not that you don't belive in any super natural being, it is that others do, and some are coming for you.


And for those who still think "they" will not kill you in a heartbeat for what you KNOW because you are too important, too unimportant, whatever, wait till the civil war starts. It's a cleanup operation. How else are "they" going to clean up their mess and loose ends. It's already started in fact. Kill, errr I mean, suicide those who might have loose lips. Banning voices/books, blm/antifa burning records. Suicided weekend gives a whole other dimension to suicide weekend. Look up Arkancide, or Killary, or Clinton hit list. And you thought your suicide was going to be from your own hands. Silly goose. "They" do it for you. Know something, Say something. Just as good as see something, say something. 202-456-1414 Tell them a friend who cares sent you. I suggest using a throw away phone. Don't want to suicide too soon now do we.

Sauce for those who spake mandarin.