Anonymous ID: b104ad Sept. 4, 2020, 4:41 p.m. No.10530749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0753 >>0781




Strzok – And are you kidding me? Duck Dynasty now Scot Baio? Ridiculous


Page – Wait, is that who is speaking at the convention?!


Strzok – Yes!!!!!!


Page – Charles in Charge?! That’s the best they can do? Lmfao


Strzok – It’s PATHETIC!


Page – That unbelievable. My god. Thank god it’s on.


Page – Likely to come down shortly so we can bust through more of this sh*t. Just fyi.


Strzok – Oooh, TURN IT ON, TURN IT ON!!! THE DO*CHEBAGS ARE ABOUT TO COME OUT. You can tell by the excitable clapping.


Page – My god, I’m so embarrassed for them. These are like second-run stars. Nothing the B-list to relate to the kids these days.


Page – And wow, Donald Trump is in an enormous do*che.


Strzok – Hi. How was Trump, other than a do*che? Melania? And any luck with home purchases?


Page – Trump barely spoke, but the first thing out of his mouth was “we’re going to win soooo big.” The whole thing is like living in a bad dream.


Strzok – Jesus.


Page – Melania was perfectly fine, except the whole point of the spouse talking is to reveal those personal stories, what a ind human the candidate is. There was none of that.


Strzok – That was her job! What the hell did she talk about? Winning huuuge?


Page – I don’t know. Lots of my husband is great but no description to back it up.


Strzok – Omg. You listening to npr? Apparently Melania’s speech had passages lifted from Michelle Obama’s…Unbelievable


Anonymous ID: b104ad Sept. 4, 2020, 4:43 p.m. No.10530770   🗄️.is 🔗kun


“Yup. Don’t know how it ended though,” Page responded.


“They didn’t include any of it, and Bill [Priestap] didn’t want to dissent,” Strzok added.


“Wow, Bill should make sure [Deputy Director] Andy [McCabe] knows about that since he was consulted numerous times about whether to include the reporting,” Page suggested.'


Anonymous ID: b104ad Sept. 4, 2020, 4:45 p.m. No.10530792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0815


Two weeks before Trump’s inauguration, Strzok — one of the lead agents on the FBI investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election — sent senior FBI lawyer Page a definition of the Logan Act, saying any existing rules on the act “does not involve incoming administrations.”


Page replied: “You are awesome. Thank you.”


The Logan Act makes it a crime for unauthorized Americans to negotiate with a foreign government in a dispute with the United States, but has never resulted in a prosecution.


The emails were sent on the same day that Strzok, then FBI Deputy Assistant Director, learned that the investigation had not been closed in a timely manner, leaving it “unexpectedly, still formally open,” the court papers charge.


Strzok relayed the “serendipitously good” news to Page, telling her, “our utter incompetence actually helps us.”


His former lover, then the Special Counsel to FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, reacted with “surprise and relief,” according to the papers.


Anonymous ID: b104ad Sept. 4, 2020, 4:46 p.m. No.10530799   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A quick glance at the messages on the right shows why they are a tad more incriminating than those on the left.


And it has nothing to do with Page’s disagreeable mood.


She is annoyed about Strzok’s edits of the Flynn 302.


He tells her, “Lisa, you didn’t see it before my edits that went into what I sent you. I was 1) trying to completely re-write the thing so as to save [redacted] voice and 2) get it out to you for general review and comment in anticipation of needing it soon. I greatly appreciate your time in reviewing and your edits. I incorporated them. Thank you.”


Over 2 1/2 weeks after Strzok and FBI agent Joe Pientka conducted their ill-intentioned interview of Gen. Michael Flynn, Page and Strzok are writing up the 302.


Typically, a 302 is written up within a day or two an interview when an agent’s memory is freshest.


Although the agent’s tampering with a 302 report seems almost beside the point after a top FBI official’s notes about how they would set a perjury trap for Flynn were exposed, it still remains an important part of the big picture. Even the fact that the FBI had culled these particular messages out of the group they planned to release is a story of its own.
